NiHu  2.0
Operators and operator manipulation


file  convolution_matrix.hpp
 Implemenetation of class template NiHu::fmm::convolution_matrix.
file  fmm_indexed.hpp
 Interface for indexing FMM operators.
file  fmm_integrated.hpp
 Integrated operators (P2P, P2X, X2P)
file  fmm_operator.hpp
 FMM operator types and tags.
file  fmm_operator_collection.hpp
 Implementation of NiHu::fmm::fmm_operator_collection.
file  fmm_precompute.hpp
 Operator pre-computation interface.
file  identity_p2p_operator.h
 Definition of class NiHu::fmm::identity_p2p_operator.
file  integral_operator_expression.hpp
 Arithmetics of integral operators.
file  leaf_precompute.hpp
 Precomputation of P2M, P2L, M2P, L2P operators.
file  local_operator.hpp
 Interface of local operator.
file  operator_with_wave_number.hpp
 Implementation of class template NiHu::fmm::operator_with_wave_number.
file  p2p.hpp
 P2P operator.
file  p2p_integral.hpp
 P2P integral.
file  p2p_precompute.hpp
 Pre-computation of P2P operators for acceleration.
file  p2x_cluster_indexed.hpp
 Cluster indexing for P2M and P2L operators.
file  p2x_indexed.hpp
 Implementation of class NiHu::fmm::p2x_indexed.
file  p2x_integral.hpp
 Implementation of class template NiHu::fmm::p2x_integral.
file  x2p_cluster_indexed.hpp
 M2P and L2P cluster indexing.
file  x2p_indexed.hpp
 Leaf indexing of M2P and L2P operators.
file  x2p_integral.hpp
 Implementation of class template NiHu::fmm::x2p_integral.
file  x2x_cluster_indexed.hpp
 Implementation of class template NiHu::fmm::x2x_cluster_indexed.
file  x2x_precompute.hpp
 Implementation of class template NiHu::fmm::x2x_precompute.

Detailed Description