This tutorial explains how to use NiHu to compute a single singular integral of the form
\( \displaystyle I = \int_{S} K({\bf x}_0,{\bf y}) dS_y, \)
where \( S \) is a square surface
\( \displaystyle S = \left\{{\bf x} = (\xi,\eta,0) : 0 \le \xi \le 1, 0 \le \eta \le 1 \right\} \),
\( {\bf x}_0 \) is a point located at the surface's center \( (.5, .5, 0) \), and the integrand kernel \( K \) is the fundamental solution of the Laplace equation in 3D
\( \displaystyle K({\bf x},{\bf y}) = 1 / 4\pi r, \quad r = |{\bf x}-{\bf y}| . \)
The analytical result of the singular integral is
\( \displaystyle I = \log \left(1+\sqrt{2}\right) / \pi . \)
The mesh of our surface domain will consist of only one 4-noded quadrilateral (NiHu::quad_1_elem) element:
The single integral is generalised as a double weighted integral where one of the weighting functions is a Dirac delta function and the other is constant:
\( \displaystyle I = \int_{S} K({\bf x}_0,{\bf y}) dS_y = \int_{S} \delta({\bf x}_0) \int_{S} K({\bf x},{\bf y}) 1({\bf x}) dS_y dS_x = \left< \delta_{{\bf x}_0}, \left(\mathcal{K}1\right)_S \right>_S \)
The corresponding function spaces are instantiated as
As our mesh contains one element, and the piecewise constant function space contains one DOF per element, the resulting weighted integral matrix will contain one entry.
The integration result is printed and compared to the analytical solution.
The complete source of the tutorial is found here: tutorial/laplace_single_integral.cpp