NiHu  2.0
NiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< singularity_type > Class Template Reference

definition of Laurent coefficients of singularities More...

#include <guiggiani_1992.hpp>

Detailed Description

template<class singularity_type>
class NiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< singularity_type >

definition of Laurent coefficients of singularities

Template Parameters
singuarity_typethe singularity type

The class should implement a static function template eval templated on a guiggiani class and taking a guiggiani object by reference as parameter. The function template should compute the Laurent coefficients of the singularity in terms of the Taylor series expansion of

  • the distance vector
  • the Jacobian vector
  • the shape function vector

and the unit normal at the singular point.

Definition at line 64 of file guiggiani_1992.hpp.

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