NiHu  2.0
tmp Directory Reference


file  algorithm.hpp [code]
file  bool.hpp [code]
 implementation of Boolean functions
file  control.hpp [code]
 Implementation of code generating control structures.
file  defines_type.hpp [code]
 metafunction determining typedefs
file  if.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the tmp::if_ metafunction.
file  integer.hpp [code]
 integer type representation and basic integer arithmetics
file  interval.hpp [code]
 A compile time interval.
file  lambda.hpp [code]
 implementation of placeholders and lambda functions
file  operator.hpp [code]
 declaration of operator metafunctions
file  print.hpp [code]
 Print compile time sequences (debug)
file  relation.hpp [code]
 Template metaprograms for comparison.
file  sequence.hpp [code]
 implementation of compile time sequences
file  stack.hpp [code]
 Implementation of tmp::stack.
file  vector.hpp [code]
 implementation of a compile time vector tmp::vector