NiHu  2.0
Rayleigh integral


This tutorial explains how to use NiHu for evaluating the Rayleigh integral. The Rayleigh integral describes acoustic radiation from an infinite vibrating plane.

In this tutorial, we learn how to connect NiHu with Matlab. The problem geometry and parameters will be imported from, and the results will be passed back to Matlab using NiHu's Matlab interface.


The Rayleigh integral

The Rayleigh integral computes the acoustic pressure \( p({\bf x}) \) radiated from a vibrating planar surface \( S \) embedded into an infinite rigid plane. The vibrating surface is characterised by its normal velocity function \( v({\bf y}) \). The radiated pressure is evaluated as

\( \displaystyle p({\bf x}) = \int_S G({\bf x}, {\bf y}) v({\bf y}) dS_y = \left(\mathcal{G}v\right)_S({\bf x}) , \)

where \( G \) denotes the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation in 3D

\( G({\bf x}, {\bf y}) = \exp(-\mathrm{i}kr)/4\pi r, \quad r = |{\bf y} - {\bf x}| . \)


The velocity field on the surface \( S \) is discretised using piecewise constant or isoparametric interpolation functions:

\( v({\bf y}) = \sum_j w_j({\bf y}) v_j \)

The radiated pressure (the Rayleigh integral) is evaluated in a set of field points \( {\bf x}_i \). For later convenience, we consider the field points as locations in a so called field point domain \( F \). Evaluating the pressure in the field points is equivalent to pre-multiplying the Rayleigh integral with Dirac delta functions located at the field points \( {\bf x}_i \) and integrating with respect to the variable \( {\bf x} \) over the field point domain:

\( \displaystyle p({\bf x}_i) = \sum_j \left(\mathcal{G}w_j \right)_S({\bf x}_i) \cdot v_j = \sum_j \left< \delta_{{\bf x}_i}, \left(\mathcal{G}w_j \right)_S \right>_F \cdot v_j = \sum_j Z_{ij} v_j , \)

where \( Z_{ij} \) denotes the transfer impedance matrix.

Program structure

Our program is organised as follows:

  • The two meshes (the radiating surface and the field point mesh) will be generated in Matlab.
  • The mesh description matrices (nodes and elements for both meshes) and the wave number \( k \) will be passed to the C++ program from Matlab.
  • The C++ program generates the function spaces and evaluates the transfer impedance matrix. The program also computes the radiating surface's radiation impedance matrix that relates the normal velocity to the sound pressure on the surface.
  • The transfer and radiation impedance matrices are passed back to Matlab.

The C++ code

Included modules and typedefs

We need three modules from the NiHu library

We further define two typedefs for Matlab matrices NiHu::mex::real_matrix and NiHu::mex::complex_matrix. These matrices are allocated in Matlab's memory, in Matlab format, but are used by NiHu just as if they were C++ Eigen matrices.

The MEX function

Our executable code will be called from Matlab using the syntax

[Z_trans, Z_rad] = rayleigh_integral_3d(surf_nodes, surf_elements, field_nodes, field_elements, wave_number);

The input and output arguments are catched by the C++ function mexFunction

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *lhs[], int nrhs, mxArray const *rhs[])

whose parameters are

  • nlhs the number of left hand side (output) parameters (two in our case)
  • lhs array of pointers pointing to the Matlab memory, where the output arguments (Z_trans and Z_rad) are allocated
  • nrhs the number of right hand side input parameters (five in our case)
  • rhs array of pointers pointing to the Matlab memory, where the five input arguments are allocated

Mesh generation

The radiator surface mesh and the field point mesh is instantiated in C++ as follows:

dMatrix surf_nodes(rhs[0]), surf_elem(rhs[1]), field_nodes(rhs[2]), field_elem(rhs[3]);
auto surf_mesh = NiHu::create_mesh(surf_nodes, surf_elem, NiHu::quad_1_tag());
auto field_mesh = NiHu::create_mesh(field_nodes, field_elem, NiHu::quad_1_tag());
  • The Matlab mesh description matrices are simply imported into C++ by the library class NiHu::mex::real_matrix (dMatrix). The class' constructor refers to the Matlab input pointer. The resulting dMatrix objects are light-weight interfaces (views) providing convenient indexing capabilities for the Matlab data.

Function space generation

The function spaces are generated from the two meshes as follows:

auto const &w = NiHu::isoparametric_view(surf_mesh);
auto const &dirac_f = NiHu::dirac(NiHu::constant_view(field_mesh));
auto const &dirac_s = NiHu::dirac(NiHu::constant_view(surf_mesh));
  • We use an isoparametric function space view of the radiator surface mesh to discretise the velocity field. This means that the velocity nodes are located in the elements' corners, and the velocity is interpolated using linear functions within an element.
  • The transfer impedance is evaluated in the element centers of the field point mesh. For this reason, we create a Dirac-view of a piecewise constant function space generated from the field point mesh.
  • The radiation impedance is evaluated in the element centers of the radiating surface mesh. For this reason, we create a Dirac-view of a piecewise constant function space generated from the radiating surface mesh.

Kernel and weighted residual

We instantiate the integral operator \( \mathcal{G} \) using the Helmholtz kernel as follows:

double wave_number = NiHu::mex::get_scalar<double>(rhs[4]);
  • The real wave number is imported from Matlab with the standard Matlab interface function mxGetPr that returns a pointer to the real data.
  • The Helmholtz kernel is instantiated using the class NiHu::helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel templated to the wave number's type (double). The abbreviation SLP refers to the single layer potential.

We allocate memory for the output complex matrices:

cMatrix Z_trans(dirac_f.get_num_dofs(), w.get_num_dofs(), lhs[0]);
cMatrix Z_rad(dirac_s.get_num_dofs(), w.get_num_dofs(), lhs[1]);
  • The three-argument constructor (rows, columns, output pointer) of class NiHu::mex::complex_matrix (cMatrix) allocates a Matlab output matrix of given dimensions in Matlab memory.

The weighted double integrals are evaluated using the operator notations:

Z_trans << (dirac_f * G[w]);
Z_rad << (dirac_s * G[w]);

The two last lines of code are syntactically identical, but there is a great difference.

  • The transfer impedance matrix is defined between two separate meshes, and is therefore computed by evaluating regular integrals only
  • The radiation impedance matrix is defined on one mesh, so its evaluation involves singular integration.

The complete source of the C++ code is found here: tutorial/rayleigh_integral_3d.mex.cpp

The Matlab code

The compiled executable can be called from Matlab, as demonstrated in the example below:

%// circular radiator with radius R = 1, divided into 15 elements along the radius.
radiator = create_circle(1, 15);
%// rectangular field point mesh, defined by 4 corners and division parameters.
field = create_slab([-2 0 .1; 2 0 .1; 2 0 4.1; -2 0 4.1], [40 40]);
%// extract the mesh description matrices
[r_nodes, r_elem] = extract_core_mesh(radiator);
[f_nodes, f_elem] = extract_core_mesh(field);
%// call C++ code at wave number k = 10
[Z_trans, Z_rad] = rayleigh_integral_3d(r_nodes, r_elem, f_nodes, f_elem, 10);
%// constant velocity over the radiator
vn = ones(size(Z_trans,2),1);
%// radiated pressure computed by matrix multiplication
pf = Z_trans * vn;
pr = Z_rad * vn;
%// plot results
plot_mesh(radiator, 20*log10(abs(pr)));
plot_mesh(field, 20*log10(abs(pf)));

The generated plot looks like

Kernels of the Helmholtz equation .
Container class of a complex matrix stored in Matlab format.
Definition: mex_matrix_separate.hpp:256
declaration of class NiHu::weighted_residual
Definition: mex_matrix_separate.hpp:133
A Matlab mex matrix interface.
mesh< tmp::vector< typename tag2type< Args >::type... > > create_mesh(nodes_t const &nodes, elements_t const &elements, Args...)
factory function to create a mesh from nodes and elements matrices
Definition: mesh.hpp:287
Normal derivative of a distance dependent kernel.
Definition: normal_derivative_kernel.hpp:26
Netafunction assigning a tag to a type.
Definition: type2tag.hpp:17
const function_space_view< Mesh, field_option::isoparametric, Dimension > & isoparametric_view(Mesh const &msh, Dimension dim=Dimension())
factory function to transform a mesh into an isoparametric function space
Definition: function_space.hpp:250
const dirac_space< FuncSpace > & dirac(function_space_base< FuncSpace > const &space)
factory function to convert a function space into a dirac space
Definition: function_space.hpp:355
integral_operator< Kernel > create_integral_operator(Kernel &&kernel)
factory function of an integral operator
Definition: integral_operator.hpp:326