This is the complete list of members for NiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!(is_constant_line< TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value) >::type >, including all inherited members.
eval(result_t &result, kernel_base< helmholtz_2d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber > > const &kernel, field_base< TestField > const &, field_base< TrialField > const &trial_field, element_match const &) | NiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!(is_constant_line< TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value) >::type > | inlinestatic |