▼NNiHu | |
Nacceleration | Collection of acceleration-types |
Nasymptotic | Namespace encapsulating singularity type classes |
Nbessel | Namespace encapsulating Bessel functions |
Nblind_transform | Defining blind transform algorithms |
Ndistance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns | GENERAL TRAITS |
Nelement_traits | Traits describing element properties |
Nfield_option | Collect options used to convert an element into a field view |
Nformalism | Definition of different weak form formalisms |
Niteration | Dual iteration options |
Nkernel_traits_ns | Metafunctions returning regular and singular kernel traits |
Nmatch | Match types |
Nmatrix_function_complexity | Definition of complexity tags of functions returning matrices |
Nmatsumoto_internal | Internal namespace hiding the stored line quadrature |
Nmex | Matlab mex interface classes |
Nshape_derivative_index | Shape function derivative indices These indices are used to index the first and second derivatives of the shape functions |
Nshape_set_traits | Traits of shape function sets |
Ntmp | Template metaprogramming functions |