CACA | Class performing Adaptive Cross Approximation |
►Ctmp::internal::accumulate_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, deref< begin< Seq >::type >::type, if_< less< _1, _2 >, _1, _2 > > | |
►Ctmp::accumulate< Seq, deref< begin< Seq >::type >::type, if_< less< _1, _2 >, _1, _2 > > | |
Ctmp::min< Seq > | Minimum of range |
►Ctmp::internal::accumulate_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, deref< begin< Seq >::type >::type, if_< less< _1, _2 >, _2, _1 > > | |
►Ctmp::accumulate< Seq, deref< begin< Seq >::type >::type, if_< less< _1, _2 >, _2, _1 > > | |
Ctmp::max< Seq > | Maximum of range |
►Ctmp::internal::accumulate_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, empty< Seq >::type, concatenate< _1, _2 > > | |
►Ctmp::accumulate< Seq, empty< Seq >::type, concatenate< _1, _2 > > | |
Ctmp::serialise< Seq > | Transform sequence of sequences into a flat sequence |
►Ctmp::internal::accumulate_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, empty< Seq >::type, if_< is_member< _1, _2 >, _1, push_back< _1, _2 > > > | |
►Ctmp::accumulate< Seq, empty< Seq >::type, if_< is_member< _1, _2 >, _1, push_back< _1, _2 > > > | |
Ctmp::unique< Seq > | Return a vector containing each element of Seq exactly once |
►Ctmp::internal::accumulate_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, Init, tmp::plus< _1, _2 > > | |
Ctmp::accumulate< Seq, Init, Fun > | Accumulate elements of a sequence using a binary metafunction |
►Ctmp::internal::accumulate_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, internal::empty, internal::inheriter< _1, _2 > > | |
►Ctmp::accumulate< Seq, internal::empty, internal::inheriter< _1, _2 > > | |
Ctmp::inherit< Seq > | Combine a sequence of classes so that the result is inherited from each element |
►Ctmp::internal::accumulate_impl< begin< typename tmp::transform< elem_type_vector_t, tmp::inserter< typename tmp::empty< elem_type_vector_t >::type, tmp::push_back< tmp::_1, tmp::_2 > >, eigen_std_vector< tmp::_1 > >::type >::type, end< typename tmp::transform< elem_type_vector_t, tmp::inserter< typename tmp::empty< elem_type_vector_t >::type, tmp::push_back< tmp::_1, tmp::_2 > >, eigen_std_vector< tmp::_1 > >::type >::type, internal::empty, internal::inheriter< _1, _2 > > | |
►Ctmp::accumulate< typename tmp::transform< elem_type_vector_t, tmp::inserter< typename tmp::empty< elem_type_vector_t >::type, tmp::push_back< tmp::_1, tmp::_2 > >, eigen_std_vector< tmp::_1 > >::type, internal::empty, internal::inheriter< _1, _2 > > | |
Ctmp::inherit< typename tmp::transform< elem_type_vector_t, tmp::inserter< typename tmp::empty< elem_type_vector_t >::type, tmp::push_back< tmp::_1, tmp::_2 > >, eigen_std_vector< tmp::_1 > >::type > | |
►Ctmp::internal::accumulate_impl< begin< typename tmp::transform< field_type_vector_t, tmp::inserter< typename tmp::empty< field_type_vector_t >::type, tmp::push_back< tmp::_1, tmp::_2 > >, eigen_std_vector< tmp::_1 > >::type >::type, end< typename tmp::transform< field_type_vector_t, tmp::inserter< typename tmp::empty< field_type_vector_t >::type, tmp::push_back< tmp::_1, tmp::_2 > >, eigen_std_vector< tmp::_1 > >::type >::type, internal::empty, internal::inheriter< _1, _2 > > | |
►Ctmp::accumulate< typename tmp::transform< field_type_vector_t, tmp::inserter< typename tmp::empty< field_type_vector_t >::type, tmp::push_back< tmp::_1, tmp::_2 > >, eigen_std_vector< tmp::_1 > >::type, internal::empty, internal::inheriter< _1, _2 > > | |
Ctmp::inherit< typename tmp::transform< field_type_vector_t, tmp::inserter< typename tmp::empty< field_type_vector_t >::type, tmp::push_back< tmp::_1, tmp::_2 > >, eigen_std_vector< tmp::_1 > >::type > | |
Ctmp::arg< N > | Placeholder that selects N-th argument |
CNiHu::assembly< TestSpace, TrialSpace, OnSameMesh > | Assemble result matrix from field wr submatrices |
CNiHu::fmm::black_box_fmm< Kernel > | Black box FMM for a smooth kernel |
CNiHu::blind_singular_quadrature< BlindTransform, RegularFamily, LSet > | |
CNiHu::blind_singular_quadrature< blind_transform::duffy, RegularFamily, LSet > | |
CNiHu::blind_transform_selector< asymptotic_type, domain > | Assign a blind transformation method to a singularity type and a reference domain |
CNiHu::blind_transform_selector< asymptotic::inverse< 1 >, quad_domain > | Assign a blind transformation method to 1/r singularity and quad domain |
CNiHu::blind_transform_selector< asymptotic::inverse< 1 >, tria_domain > | Assign a blind transformation method to 1/r singularity and tria domain |
CNiHu::block_product_result_type< leftDerived, mat, rightDerived > | Metafunction returning the value type of a block product |
CNiHu::fmm::bounding_box< Dim, Scalar > | Multidimensional square bounding box |
CNiHu::fmm::bounding_box< dimension, double > | |
Ctmp::break_point< X, Y > | A break point consisting of a X and a Y value |
Ctmp::bubble_sort< Seq, Compare, cnt > | Sort a sequence by bubble sort |
CC | |
CNiHu::fmm::chebyshev_cluster< Dim, Scalar, FieldDim > | Cluster class of the Black Box FMM |
CNiHu::mex::classID< Scalar > | Metafunction assigning a Matlab class ID to a C type |
CNiHu::mex::classID< double > | Specialisation of classID to double |
CNiHu::mex::classID< float > | Specialisation of classID to float |
CNiHu::mex::classID< int > | Specialisation of classID to double |
►CNiHu::mex::classID< RealScalar > | |
CNiHu::mex::classID< std::complex< RealScalar > > | |
CNiHu::mex::classID< unsigned > | |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_base< Derived > | CRTP base class of clusters |
►CNiHu::fmm::cluster_base< helmholtz_2d_wb_cluster > | |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_cluster | Cluster type of the helmholtz 2d wide band fmm |
►CNiHu::fmm::cluster_base< helmholtz_3d_hf_cluster > | |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_cluster | Cluster type of the Helmholtz 3D High frequency FMM |
►CNiHu::fmm::cluster_base< laplace_2d_cluster > | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_cluster | Cluster type of the Laplace 2D FMM |
►CNiHu::fmm::cluster_base< laplace_3d_cluster > | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_cluster | Cluster type of the Laplace 3D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_traits< Derived > | CRTP traits structure of a cluster |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_traits< chebyshev_cluster< Dim, Scalar, FieldDim > > | Traits class of the chebyshev_cluster |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_traits< empty_cluster< Dim > > | Traits of empty cluster |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_traits< helmholtz_2d_wb_cluster > | Specialisation of fmm::cluster_traits for the 2d Helmholtz wb fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_traits< helmholtz_3d_hf_cluster > | Specialisation of cluster traits for the Helmholtz 3D HF cluster |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_traits< laplace_2d_cluster > | Specialisation of cluster traits for the 2D Laplace FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_traits< laplace_3d_cluster > | Specialisation of cluster traits for the 3D Laplace FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_tree< ClusterDerived > | Class representing a cluster tree |
CNiHu::fmm::cluster_tree< cluster_t > | |
►CNiHu::formalism::collocational | Collocational case when the test field is Dirac |
CNiHu::get_formalism< TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< field_traits::is_dirac< TestField >::value &&!field_traits::is_dirac< TrialField >::value >::type > | Specialiastion of NiHu::get_formalism for the collocational case |
CNiHu::mex::complexity< Scalar > | Metafunction assigning a Matlab complexity to a C type |
CNiHu::mex::complexity< std::complex< RealScalar > > | |
CNiHu::complexity_estimator< TestField, TrialField, KernelEstimator > | Class to estimate kernel complexity between two fields |
►Cconditional | |
►Ctmp::internal::find_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, Elem > | |
Ctmp::find< Seq, Elem > | Find an element in a sequence |
CNiHu::field_traits::dof_vector_return_type< Derived > | Assign the DOF vector return type to the field type |
Ctmp::if_< Cond, T, F > | IF control structure |
Ctmp::lambda< Exp > | Generate metafunction class from placeholder expression |
Ctmp::max_< Val1, Val2 > | Compute maximum of type, specialisation for two parameters |
Ctmp::min_< Val1, Val2 > | Compute minimum of types, specialisation for two parameters |
CNiHu::conditional_precompute< Complexity, Func, Args > | Conditionally precompute and store objects |
CNiHu::conditional_precompute< matrix_function_complexity::constant, Func, Args... > | Specialisation of NiHu::conditional_precompute for the matrix_function_complexity::constant case |
CNiHu::conditional_precompute< matrix_function_complexity::zero, Func, Args... > | Specialisation of NiHu::conditional_precompute for the matrix_function_complexity::zero case |
►CNiHu::conditional_precompute< shape_complexity< Derived, Order >::type, shape_function< Derived, Order >, domain< Derived >::type::xi_t > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::factory_functor< Derived, Order > | Defines the factory functor that computes or stores the shape functions |
CNiHu::conditional_precompute_instance< Complexity, Func, Args > | |
►CNiHu::conditional_precompute_instance< location_complexity< Derived, 1 >::type, normal_impl< Derived >, location_value_type< Derived, 1 >::type > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::normal_factory_functor< Derived > | Class that computes or stores the normals |
►CNiHu::conditional_precompute_instance< location_complexity< Derived, Order >::type, location_impl< Derived, Order >, coords_type< Derived >::type, shape_set_traits::domain< lset< Derived >::type >::type::xi_t > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::location_factory_functor< Derived, 0 > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::location_factory_functor< Derived, 1 > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::location_factory_functor< Derived, 2 > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::location_factory_functor< Derived, Order > | Class that computes or stores the locations |
►CNiHu::conditional_precompute_instance< location_complexity< NiHu::surface_element, 1 >::type, normal_impl< NiHu::surface_element >, location_value_type< NiHu::surface_element, 1 >::type > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::normal_factory_functor< NiHu::surface_element > | |
CNiHu::conditional_precompute_instance< matrix_function_complexity::constant, Func, Args... > | |
CNiHu::conditional_precompute_instance< matrix_function_complexity::zero, Func, Args... > | |
►CNiHu::matrix_function_complexity::constant | Returned matrix is constant and can be stored |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< constant_shape_set< Domain >, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< line_1_shape_set, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< quad_1_shape_set, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< tria_1_shape_set, 1 > | |
CNiHu::field_option::constant | Tag to describe a constant field |
CNiHu::constant_shape_set< Domain > | Constant interpolation functions |
CNiHu::ConstVariance< Space > | |
Ctmp::containsPlaceholderExpression< T, Args > | |
►Ctmp::containsPlaceholderExpression< Args... > | |
Ctmp::containsPlaceholderExpressionImpl< std::false_type, Args... > | |
Ctmp::isPlaceholderExpression< MF< Args... > > | |
Ctmp::containsPlaceholderExpressionImpl< First, Args > | |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_3d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_3d_DLP_kernel< wave_number_t > | |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_3d_DLP_tan_kernel< WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_n_kernel< WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber > | The FMM for the convected Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber > | SLP kernel of the convected Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< wave_number_t > | |
CNiHu::fmm::convolution_matrix< Scalar > | Class performing convolution |
CNiHu::fmm::convolution_matrix< std::complex< double > > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::coords_type< Derived > | Matrix that stores the element's corner coordinates |
Ctmp::merge_intervals< Inter1, Inter2 >::copy_cond< Iter, Begin > | Copy condition when zipping an interval |
CNiHu::corner_angle_computer< Elem, NSet, dimension > | |
CNiHu::corner_angle_computer< Elem, Nset, 1 > | |
CNiHu::corner_angle_computer< Elem, Nset, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< Derived > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< constant_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< line_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< line_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< quad_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< quad_28_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< quad_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< tria_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< tria_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector_mat< Derived > | Materialized corner index vector type |
CNiHu::function_space_impl_internal::get_num_dofs< Mesh, field_option::gauss, Dimension >::count_elem_type_nodes< ElemType > | |
CNiHu::cpu_time | CPU time |
►Cdecay | |
CNiHu::plain_type< T, isEigen > | Plain object type of a class |
►CNiHu::plain_type< product_type< Scalar, integral_operator_traits< std::decay< IntOp >::type >::template wr_result_type< TestField, TrialField >::type >::type > | |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< scaled_integral_operator< Scalar, IntOp > >::wr_result_type< TestField, TrialField > | Metafunction returning the result type of a double integral |
►CNiHu::plain_type< sum_type< integral_operator_traits< std::decay< LhsOp >::type >::template wr_result_type< TestField, TrialField >::type, integral_operator_traits< std::decay< RhsOp >::type >::template wr_result_type< TestField, TrialField >::type >::type > | |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< sum_integral_operator< LhsOp, RhsOp > >::wr_result_type< TestField, TrialField > | Metafunction returning the result type of a double integral |
Ctmp::deref< Iter > | Metafunction to dereference an iterator |
Ctmp::deref< stack_iterator< Seq > > | Specialisation of metafunction tmp::deref for the stack iterator |
CNiHu::iteration::diadic | Inner and outer iterators (Descartes) |
CNiHu::iteration::diagonal | Parallel |
CNiHu::fmm::diagonal_preconditioner< Scalar > | |
►CDimension | |
CNiHu::field_traits::quantity_dimension< field< ElemType, NSet, Dimension > > | Assign the dimension of the interpolated quantity to a field |
CNiHu::field_traits::quantity_dimension< field_view< ElemType, FieldOption, Dimension > > | Assign the dimension of the interpolated quantity to a field view |
CNiHu::dirac_field< Field > | Dirac view of a field |
CNiHu::dirac_space< FuncSpace > | Dirac-like extension of a function space |
CNiHu::directional_derivative_field< Field > | Field class that computes the directional derivative of a field |
CNiHu::directional_derivative_field_iterator< DerivedField, OriginalIterator > | Iterator class for iterating over a directional derivative function space |
CNiHu::directional_derivative_function_space< FunctionSpace > | Directional derivative of a function space |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel< Derived > | |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< scalar >, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< scalar >, WaveNumber > | |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< scalar >, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< scalar >, WaveNumber > | |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< scalar > > > | |
CNiHu::laplace_kernel< space_2d< scalar > > | Kernel of the 2d Laplace equation |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_3d< scalar > > > | |
CNiHu::laplace_kernel< space_3d< scalar > > | Kernel of the 3d Laplace equation |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic, Accuracy > | Define intervals for distance range and accuracy |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic::inverse< 1 >, 2 > | Specialisation of NiHu::distance_kernel_interval for 1/r and 1% error |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic::inverse< 1 >, 3 > | Specialisation of NiHu::distance_kernel_interval for 1/r and .1% error |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic::inverse< 2 >, 2 > | Specialisation of NiHu::distance_kernel_interval for 1/r^2 and 1% error |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic::inverse< 2 >, 3 > | Specialisation of NiHu::distance_kernel_interval for 1/r^2 and .1% error |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic::inverse< 3 >, 2 > | Specialisation of NiHu::distance_kernel_interval for 1/r^3 and 1% error |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic::inverse< 3 >, 3 > | Specialisation of NiHu::distance_kernel_interval for 1/r^3 and .1% error |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic::log< 1 >, 2 > | Specialisation of NiHu::distance_kernel_interval for log r and 1% error |
CNiHu::distance_kernel_interval< asymptotic::log< 1 >, 3 > | Specialisation of NiHu::distance_kernel_interval for log r and .1% error |
►CDistanceKernel | |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 0, 0 > | Zero order normal derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 0, 1 > | First y-derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 1, 0 > | First x-derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 1, 1 > | Second xy derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 2, 0 > | Second xx derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::divide_base< Derived > | Base CRTP class for cluster division |
►CNiHu::fmm::divide_base< divide_depth > | |
CNiHu::fmm::divide_depth | Class representing a balanced tree division predicate |
►CNiHu::fmm::divide_base< divide_diameter > | |
CNiHu::fmm::divide_diameter | Class representing a balanced tree division predicate by leaf diameter |
►CNiHu::fmm::divide_base< divide_num_nodes > | |
CNiHu::fmm::divide_num_nodes | Class representing a cluster division based on number of nodes |
CNiHu::field_traits::dof_vector_type< Derived > | Assign the DOF vector value type to the field type |
►CDomain | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< constant_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< isoparam_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< Derived > | Defines the domain where the shape function set is defined |
CNiHu::domain_base< Derived > | Polygonal subset of the \xi space. All elements are defined on a domain |
►CNiHu::domain_base< brick_domain > | |
CNiHu::brick_domain | 3D brick domain |
►CNiHu::domain_base< line_domain > | |
►CNiHu::line_domain | 1D line domain |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< line_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< line_2_shape_set > | |
►CNiHu::domain_base< quad_domain > | |
►CNiHu::quad_domain | 2D quad domain |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< quad_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< quad_28_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< quad_2_shape_set > | |
►CNiHu::domain_base< tria_domain > | |
►CNiHu::tria_domain | 2D triangle domain |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< tria_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::domain< tria_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::double_integral< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, Formalism > | Class evaluating double integrals of the weighted residual approach |
CNiHu::double_integral< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::collocational > | Specialisation of NiHu::double_integral for the collocational formalism |
CNiHu::double_integral< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::general > | Specialisation of NiHu::double_integral for the general formalism |
CNiHu::double_integral_free_dimensions< TestField, TrialField, SingularityDimension, class > | |
CNiHu::double_integral_traits< Kernel, TestField, TrialField > | |
CNiHu::dual_iterator< IterationMode, It1, It2 > | |
►CNiHu::dual_iterator< iteration::diagonal, test_iterator_t, trial_iterator_t > | |
CNiHu::singular_quadrature_iterator< test_iterator_t, trial_iterator_t > | Dual iterator to point to a test and a trial quadrature element |
CNiHu::dual_range< IterationMode, OutIt, InIt > | Combination of two ranges |
►CNiHu::dual_range< IterationMode, TestAccelerator::const_iterator, TrialAccelerator::const_iterator > | |
CNiHu::dual_field_type_accelerator< TestAccelerator, TrialAccelerator, IterationMode > | |
CNiHu::blind_transform::duffy | Duffy type polar transformation |
CNiHu::duffy_quadrature< QuadFamily, LSet > | Transform regular quadratures into weakly singular ,,Duffy-type'' quadratures |
CNiHu::duffy_traits< LSet > | Traits class of a Duffy quadrature |
CNiHu::duffy_traits< quad_1_shape_set > | Specialisation of NiHu::duffy_traits for NiHu::quad_1_shape_set |
CNiHu::duffy_traits< quad_2_shape_set > | Specialisation of NiHu::duffy_traits for NiHu::quad_2_shape_set |
CNiHu::duffy_traits< tria_1_shape_set > | Specialisation of NiHu::duffy_traits for NiHu::tria_1_shape_set |
CNiHu::duffy_traits< tria_2_shape_set > | Specialisation of NiHu::duffy_traits for NiHu::tria_2_shape_set |
CNiHu::eigen_std_vector< T > | Convert T to an std::vector<T> with Eigen allocator |
CNiHu::eigen_std_vector< x_t > | |
►CNiHu::elastodynamics_data | Class representing parameters of the elastodynamics kernel |
CNiHu::elastodynamics_2d_U_kernel | |
CNiHu::elastodynamics_3d_T_kernel | |
CNiHu::elastodynamics_3d_U_kernel | |
CNiHu::elastostatics_2d_U_collocation_constant_line | Collocational singular integral of 2D Elastostatics U kernel over constant line |
CNiHu::elastostatics_2d_U_galerkin_face_constant_line | Galerkin face match integral of 2D Elastostatics U kernel over constant line |
►CNiHu::elastostatics_kernel | Base class for elastostatics kernels. This class contains the two material parameters |
CNiHu::elastostatics_2d_T_kernel | 2d traction kernel for elastostatics |
CNiHu::elastostatics_2d_U_kernel | The displacement kernel of 2D elastostatics |
CNiHu::elastostatics_3d_T_kernel | Traction kernel for 3d isotropic elastostatics |
CNiHu::elastostatics_3d_U_kernel | Displacement kernel for 3d isotropic elastostatics |
CNiHu::mesh< ElemTypeVector >::elem_adder< elem_t > | |
►CNiHu::field_traits::elem_type< Derived > | Assigns the element type to the field |
CNiHu::field_traits::elem_type< dirac_field< Derived > > | |
►CNiHu::field_traits::elem_type< Field > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::elem_type< directional_derivative_field< Field > > | |
CNiHu::element_base< Derived > | The geometrical element representation |
CNiHu::element_match | Class describing the adjacency (match) state of two elements |
CNiHu::element_overlapping | Class describing the overlapping state of two elements |
CNiHu::field_2_elem_type_vector< FieldTypeVector >::elemize< field_t > | Helper metafunction to extract the element type of a field |
►CElemType | |
CNiHu::field_impl< field_view< ElemType, field_option::constant, Dimension > > | Specialisation of class NiHu::field_impl for the case of a constant field view |
CNiHu::field_impl< field_view< ElemType, field_option::gauss, Dimension > > | Specialisation of class field_impl for the gauss field view case |
CNiHu::field_impl< field_view< ElemType, field_option::isoparametric, Dimension > > | Specialisation of class field_impl for the isoparametric field view case |
CNiHu::field_traits::elem_type< field< ElemType, NSet, Dimension > > | Assign an element type to a field |
CNiHu::field_traits::elem_type< field_view< ElemType, FieldOption, Dimension > > | Assign an element type to a field view |
CNiHu::fmm::empty_cluster< Dim > | Empty cluster class |
►Ctmp::internal::empty_impl< Seq::tag > | |
Ctmp::empty< Seq > | Return empty sequence |
CNiHu::empty_input< Space > | Kernel input representing a single location \gamma = {\bf x} |
CNiHu::double_integral< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::general >::eval_singular_on_accelerator< singular_accelerator_t, dummy > | Evaluate double singular integral with selected singular accelerator |
CNiHu::double_integral< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::collocational >::eval_singular_on_accelerator< singular_accelerator_t, dummy > | Evaluate collocational singular integral with selected singular accelerator |
CNiHu::double_integral< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::general >::eval_singular_on_accelerator< invalid_singular_accelerator, dummy > | Specialisation of eval_singular_on_accelerator to the invalid accelerator |
CNiHu::double_integral< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::collocational >::eval_singular_on_accelerator< invalid_singular_accelerator, dummy > | Evaluate collocational singular integral with the invalid accelerator |
CNiHu::exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > | |
►Cfalse_type | |
►Ctmp::and_< Args... > | |
Ctmp::and_< std::true_type, Args... > | Conjunction of boolean constants |
►CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< std::decay< LhsDerived >::type > | |
CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< integral_operator_scaled< LhsDerived, Scalar > > | |
►CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< std::decay< Operator >::type > | |
CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< p2p_indexed< Operator, TestIt, TrialIt > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< p2p_integral< Operator, TestField, TrialField > > | |
►CNiHu::is_result_matrix_impl< std::decay< Mat >::type > | |
CNiHu::is_result_matrix< Mat > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::is_surface_element< volume_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::is_dirac< Derived > | Indicate if the field is a Dirac field or not |
CNiHu::field_traits::is_dof_vector_stored< Derived > | Indicate if the field stores its DOF vector or computes it on the fly |
CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< Operator > | Metafunction to tell if an operator is local |
CNiHu::is_result_matrix_impl< T > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::is_singular< exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::is_singular< gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
►Ctmp::or_< Args... > | |
Ctmp::or_< std::false_type, Args... > | Disjunction of Boolean constants |
Ctmp::and_< Args > | Conjunction of boolean constants |
Ctmp::and_< std::false_type, Args... > | Conjunction of boolean constants |
Ctmp::containsPlaceholderExpressionImpl< std::false_type > | |
Ctmp::greater< NiHu::asymptotic::log< o1 >, NiHu::asymptotic::inverse< o2 > > | |
Ctmp::isPlaceholder< C > | Metafunction returning std::true_type if its argument is a placeholder |
Ctmp::isPlaceholderExpression< C > | Metafunction returning std::true_type if its argument is a placeholder expression |
Ctmp::less< NiHu::asymptotic::inverse< o1 >, NiHu::asymptotic::log< o2 > > | |
Ctmp::or_< Args > | Disjunction of Boolean constants |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< Derived > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< Derived > | Return the far field asymptotic behaviour of the kernel |
CNiHu::field< ElemType, NSet, Dimension > | Field class that stores the dof vector and an element by value |
CNiHu::field_2_elem_type_vector< FieldTypeVector > | Metafunction to return the element type vector of a field type vector |
CNiHu::function_space_impl< function_space< FieldTypeVector > >::field_adder< field_t > | Subclass called by call_each to add a field to the function space |
CNiHu::field_base< Derived > | CRTP base class of all fields |
CNiHu::field_impl< Derived > | Implementation class of a general field |
CNiHu::field_impl< field< ElemType, NSet, Dimension > > | Field class that stores the dof vector and the element by value |
CNiHu::field_points< xType > | Container class for field points |
►CNiHu::field_points< first_elements_x_type< ElemTypeVector >::type > | |
CNiHu::mesh< ElemTypeVector > | Container class for a mesh |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator< Field, Family, Acceleration, Enable > | |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator< Field, Family, Acceleration, typename std::enable_if< field_traits::is_dirac< Field >::value >::type > | Specialisation of NiHu::field_type_accelerator for the Dirac field type |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator< Field, Family, acceleration::hard > | |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator_elem< Field, Family, Acceleration > | Stores a quadrature point and a shape function vector |
CNiHu::field_view< ElemType, Option, Dimension > | Field automatically generated from an element using a field generation option |
CNiHu::first_elements_x_type< ElemTypeVector > | Metafunction computing the first element's x_t in a vector of elements |
CNiHu::fmm::fmm_assembly_times | Helper class for storing FMM assembly times |
CNiHu::fmm::fmm_matrix< P2P, P2M, P2L, M2P, L2P, M2M, L2L, M2L > | Matrix representation of the FMM method |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< FmmTag > | Operator defining its tag type |
CNiHu::fmm::x2x_precompute< Result, ClusterDerived, FmmTag > | Precomputation for M2M, M2L, and L2L operators |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< identity_p2p_operator::fmm_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::p2p_integral< identity_p2p_operator, TestField, TrialField > | |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< l2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::black_box_fmm< Kernel >::l2l | L2l operator of the black box fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2l | L2L operator of the Convected Helmholtz FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2l | L2l operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2l | L2L operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< l2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::black_box_fmm< Kernel >::l2p | L2p operator of the black box fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2p | L2P operator of the Convected Helmholtz FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2p< Nx > | L2p operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2p< Nx > | L2P operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::x2p_precompute< Result, l2p_tag > | |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< m2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::black_box_fmm< Kernel >::m2l | M2l operator of the black box fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2l | M2L (translation) operator of the Convected Helmholtz FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2l | M2l operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2l | M2L operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< m2m_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::black_box_fmm< Kernel >::m2m | M2m operator of the black box fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2m | M2M operator of the Convected Helmholtz FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2m | M2m operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2m | M2M operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< m2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::black_box_fmm< Kernel >::m2p | M2p operator of the black box fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2p | M2P operator of the Convected Helmholtz SLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2p< Nx > | M2p operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2p< Nx > | M2P operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::x2p_precompute< Result, m2p_tag > | |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< p2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::black_box_fmm< Kernel >::p2l | P2l operator of the black box fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2l | P2L operator of the Convected Helmholtz SLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2l< Ny > | P2l operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2l< Ny > | P2L operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::p2x_precompute< Result, p2l_tag > | |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< p2m_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::black_box_fmm< Kernel >::p2m | P2m operator of the black box fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m_DLP | P2M operator of the Convected Helmholtz DLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m_SLP | P2M operator of the Convected Helmholtz SLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m< Ny > | P2m operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m< Ny > | P2M operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::p2x_precompute< Result, p2m_tag > | |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< p2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2p_DLP | P2P operator of the Convected Helmholtz DLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2p_SLP | P2P operator of the Convected Helmholtz SLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::identity_p2p_operator | Identity operator |
CNiHu::fmm::p2p< Kernel > | |
CNiHu::fmm::p2p_indexed< Operator, TestIt, TrialIt > | |
CNiHu::fmm::p2p_precompute< Scalar, NumDofPerSrc, NumDofPerRec > | Precomputed P2P operator |
►CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator< std::decay< Operator >::type::fmm_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::p2x_cluster_indexed< Operator > | |
CNiHu::fmm::p2x_indexed< Operator, It > | Class performing indexing of a P2P operator |
CNiHu::fmm::x2p_cluster_indexed< Operator > | |
CNiHu::fmm::x2p_indexed< Operator, It > | |
CNiHu::fmm::x2p_integral< Operator, NiHu::dirac_field< TestField > > | Specialisation for integrals with dirac test fields |
CNiHu::fmm::x2x_cluster_indexed< Operator > | Class performing indexing of an X2X operator with a cluster |
CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator_collection< Ops > | Class representing a collection of FMM operators |
CNiHu::fmm::fmm_timer | Class to store fmm timing data |
►CFromIt | |
CNiHu::casted_iterator< FromIt, To, Through > | Iterator class provides access to its value_t after static cast |
CNiHu::function_space< FieldTypeVector > | Class describing a function space |
CNiHu::function_space_base< Derived > | CRTP base class of function spaces |
CNiHu::function_space_impl< Derived > | Implementation class of function spaces |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< Derived > | Traits class of function spaces |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< dirac_space< FuncSpace > > | Traits class of a NiHu::dirac_space |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< directional_derivative_function_space< FunctionSpace > > | Traits of the directional derivative function space |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< function_space< FieldTypeVector > > | Traits class of a function space |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< function_space_view< Mesh, FieldOption, Dimension > > | Traits class of a function space view |
CNiHu::function_space_view< Mesh, FieldOption, Dimension > | A mesh extended with a Field generating option |
CNiHu::field_option::gauss | Tag to describe a gauss field |
►CNiHu::gauss_family_tag | Tag for the family of Gaussian quadratures |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::quadrature_family< helmholtz_kernel< Space, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::quadrature_family< laplace_kernel< Space > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::quadrature_family< exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::quadrature_family< gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > | |
►CNiHu::gaussian_quadrature< Domain > | |
CNiHu::quadrature_type< gauss_family_tag, Domain > | Specialisation of quadrature_type to Gaussian family on line |
CNiHu::gaussian_quadrature< domain_t > | |
CNiHu::gaussian_quadrature< NiHu::line_domain > | |
►CNiHu::formalism::general | General case when the test field is not Dirac |
CNiHu::get_formalism< TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< !field_traits::is_dirac< TestField >::value &&!field_traits::is_dirac< TrialField >::value >::type > | Specialiastion of NiHu::get_formalism for the general case |
►CNiHu::matrix_function_complexity::general | Returned matrix should be computed on the fly |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< brick_1_shape_set, Order > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< line_1_shape_set, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< quad_1_shape_set, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< quad_1_shape_set, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< tria_1_shape_set, 0 > | |
CNiHu::get_formalism< TestField, TrialField, class > | Return formalism from Test and Trial field types |
CNiHu::function_space_impl_internal::get_num_dofs< Mesh, FieldOption, Dimension > | |
CNiHu::function_space_impl_internal::get_num_dofs< Mesh, field_option::constant, Dimension > | |
CNiHu::function_space_impl_internal::get_num_dofs< Mesh, field_option::gauss, Dimension > | |
CNiHu::function_space_impl_internal::get_num_dofs< Mesh, field_option::isoparametric, Dimension > | |
CEigen::GMRES< _MatrixType, _Preconditioner > | A GMRES solver for sparse square problems |
Ctmp::greater< N, M > | General declaration of the greater oparation |
CNiHu::guiggiani< TrialField, Kernel, RadialOrder, TangentialOrder, Enable > | Implementation of Guiggiani's method |
CNiHu::guiggiani< TrialField, Kernel, RadialOrder, TangentialOrder, typename std::enable_if< !element_traits::is_surface_element< typename TrialField::elem_t >::value >::type > | Specialisation of Guiggiani's method for volume elements and collocation |
CNiHu::guiggiani< TrialField, Kernel, RadialOrder, TangentialOrder, typename std::enable_if< element_traits::is_surface_element< typename TrialField::elem_t >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::acceleration::hard | Real acceleration |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_DLP_collocation_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational integral of the 2D DLP kernel over a general curved line with general shape sets |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_DLP_galerkin_face_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Face match double integral of the DLP kernel |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_DLPt_collocation_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational integral of the 2D DLPt kernel over a general curved line with general shape sets |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_DLPt_galerkin_face_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Face match double integral of the DLPt kernel |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_HSP_collocation_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational integral of the 2D HSP kernel over a general curved line with general shape sets Full singularity subtraction in the reference coordinate system. The singularpart is integrated analytically in HFP sense. The regular part is integrated numerically with standard Gaussian quadrature |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_HSP_collocation_straight_line< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D Helmholtz HSP kernel over a straight line element |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_HSP_galerkin_edge_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Edge match double integral of the HSP kernel over curved elements with general shape sets |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_HSP_galerkin_face_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Face match double integral of the HSP kernel |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_SLP_collocation_constant_line< expansion_length > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D Helmholtz SLP kernel over a constant line element |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_SLP_collocation_curved< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational integral of the 2D SLP kernel over a curved line with general shape sets |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_SLP_galerkin_face_constant_line< expansion_length > | Face match double integral of the SLP kernel over a line element with constant shape function |
CNiHu::helmholtz_2d_SLP_galerkin_face_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Face match double integral of the SLP kernel over a curved element with general shape set |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber > | 2d wide band helmholetz fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_l2l_matrix | L2l matrix of the wide band 2d helmholtz fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_level_data | Class containing the level data of the helmholtz 2d wide band fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_m2l_matrix | M2l matrix of the wide band 2d helmholtz fmm |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_m2m_matrix | M2m matrix of the wide band 2d helmholtz fmm |
CNiHu::helmholtz_3d_DLP_collocation_constant_plane_nearly_singular | Nearly singular collocational integral of the 3D Helmholtz DLP kernel over planes The singular static part is redirected to the corresponding Laplace kernel The regular dynamic part is integrated numerically using a regular quadrature |
CNiHu::helmholtz_3d_DLPt_collocation_constant_plane_nearly_singular | Nearly singular collocational integral of the 3D Helmholtz DLPt kernel over planes |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber > | Fmm for the 3D Helmholtz equation |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm_downshift | Class for shifting down Local contributions This class is the result of the L2L operation. Multiplication of a Local contribution by a down_shift from the left performs the actual shift |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm_upshift | Class for shifting up Multipole contributions This class is the result of the M2M operation. Multiplication of a Multipole contribution by an up_shift from the left performs the actual shift |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_level_data | Level data of the helmholtz 3d hf fmm |
CNiHu::helmholtz_3d_HSP_collocation_constant_plane< order > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D Helmholtz HSP kernel over a constant planar element |
CNiHu::helmholtz_3d_HSP_collocation_constant_plane_nearly_singular | Nearly singular collocational integral of the 3D Helmholtz HSP kernel over planes The singular static part is redirected to the corresponding Laplace kernel The regular dynamic part is integrated numerically using a regular quadrature |
CNiHu::helmholtz_3d_SLP_collocation_constant_plane< order > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D Helmholtz SLP kernel over a constant planar element |
CNiHu::helmholtz_3d_SLP_collocation_constant_plane_nearly_singular | Nearly singular collocational integral of the 3D Helmholtz SLP kernel over planes |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_burton_miller_solver< Fmm, TrialSpace > | Generic collocational Burton-Miller solver |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_field_point< Fmm, TestSpace, TrialSpace > | |
CNiHu::helmholtz_kernel< Space, WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::helper_base< test_domain_t, trial_domain_t > | Base structure for quadrature helpers |
►CNiHu::helper_base< line_domain, line_domain > | |
CNiHu::line_helper< match::match_0d_type > | Specialisation of NiHu::line_helper for the 0d match case |
►CNiHu::helper_base< quad_domain, quad_domain > | |
CNiHu::quad_helper< match::match_0d_type > | Specialisation of NiHu::quad_helper for the 0d match case |
CNiHu::quad_helper< match::match_1d_type > | Specialisation of NiHu::quad_helper for the 1d match case |
CNiHu::quad_helper< match::match_2d_type > | Specialisation of NiHu::quad_helper for the 2d match case |
►CNiHu::helper_base< tria_domain, tria_domain > | |
CNiHu::tria_helper< match::match_0d_type > | Specialisation of NiHu::tria_helper for the 0d match case |
CNiHu::tria_helper< match::match_1d_type > | Specialisation of NiHu::tria_helper for the 1d match case |
CNiHu::tria_helper< match::match_2d_type > | Specialisation of NiHu::tria_helper for the 2d match case |
CNiHu::element_traits::id< Derived > | Assigns an id to the element type |
CNiHu::domain_traits::id< Derived > | Assigns an id to the domain |
CNiHu::field_traits::id< Derived > | Assign a numeric ID to the field |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::id< Derived > | Assigns an id to the shape set |
CNiHu::field_traits::id< line_1_gauss_field > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::id< quad_1_gauss_field > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::id< tria_1_gauss_field > | |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::idx2tag< idx > | |
Cignore< T, Ignore > | Metafunction returning its first argument and ignoring all subsequent |
CNiHu::mex::index_proxy< Parent > | Index proxy class of a complex matrix |
►CNiHu::index_t | Index class defined to use as a base class |
CNiHu::dirac_field_type_accelerator_elem< NSet > | Accelerator elem for a Dirac field |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, FmmTag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, l2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, l2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, m2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, m2m_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, m2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, p2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, p2m_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed< Op, p2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::indexed_functor< TestIt, TrialIt, ClusterDerived > | |
CNiHu::sequence_materializer< Seq >::insert< Iter, Dummy > | |
CNiHu::sequence_materializer< Seq >::insert< typename tmp::end< Seq >::type, Dummy > | |
Ctmp::inserter< State, Operation > | Compile time inserter |
►Cintegral_constant | |
Ctmp::integer< int, 0 > | |
Ctmp::integer< int, stack_size< Stack::tail >::type::value+1 > | |
Ctmp::integer< int, std::tuple_size< Seq::impl >::value > | |
►Ctmp::integer< T, integer< T, N >::next > | |
Ctmp::next< integer< T, N > > | Metafunction returning next integer |
►Ctmp::integer< T, integer< T, N >::prev > | |
Ctmp::prev< integer< T, N > > | Metafunction returning previous integer |
►Ctmp::integer< T, N *M > | |
Ctmp::mul< integer< T, N >, integer< T, M > > | Metafunction returning the multiplicate of two integers |
►Ctmp::integer< T, N+M > | |
Ctmp::plus< integer< T, N >, integer< T, M > > | Metafunction returning the sum of two integers |
►Ctmp::integer< T, N-M > | |
Ctmp::minus< integer< T, N >, integer< T, M > > | Metafunction returning the difference of two integers |
►CNiHu::asymptotic::inverse< 1 > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< Scalar >, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< laplace_kernel< space_3d< Scalar > > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< Scalar >, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< laplace_kernel< space_3d< Scalar > > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 0, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 1, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > >, 0, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > >, 1, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 0, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 1, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 0, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 1, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > >, 0, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > >, 1, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_3d< Scalar > >, 0, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_3d< Scalar > >, 1, 0 > > | |
►CNiHu::asymptotic::inverse< 1+Nx+Ny > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_3d< Scalar > >, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_3d< Scalar > >, Nx, Ny > > | |
►CNiHu::asymptotic::inverse< 2 > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 1, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > >, 1, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 1, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > >, 1, 1 > > | |
►CNiHu::asymptotic::log< 1 > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber > > | |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > >, 0, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > >, 0, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< laplace_kernel< space_2d< Scalar > > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::far_field_behaviour< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 0, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< normal_derivative_kernel< helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< Scalar >, WaveNumber >, 0, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::asymptotic::inverse< order > | Inverse singularity with specified order 1/r^o |
CNiHu::asymptotic::log< order > | Logarithmic singularity with specified order log(r)^o |
CNiHu::asymptotic::power< order > | Power low type singularity with specified order r^o |
CNiHu::corner_index< index > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singular_quadrature_order< helmholtz_kernel< Space, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singular_quadrature_order< laplace_kernel< Space > > | |
CNiHu::double_integral_free_dimensions< TestField, TrialField, SingularityDimension, formalism::collocational > | |
CNiHu::double_integral_free_dimensions< TestField, TrialField, SingularityDimension, formalism::general > | |
CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< integral_operator_diff< LhsDerived, RhsDerived > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< integral_operator_src_concatenated< LhsDerived, RhsDerived > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< integral_operator_sum< LhsDerived, RhsDerived > > | |
CNiHu::is_constant_line< Field > | |
CNiHu::is_constant_tria< Field > | |
CNiHu::is_linear_line< Field > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::is_symmetric< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::position_dof< d > | Position degree of freedom of a point in the intrinsic domain |
►Ctmp::not_< std::is_same< find< Seq, Elem >::type, end< Seq >::type >::type > | |
Ctmp::is_member< Seq, Elem > | Return true if the element is member of a sequence |
Ctmp::greater< integer< T, N >, integer< T, M > > | Metafunction comparing to integers |
Ctmp::greater< NiHu::asymptotic::inverse< o1 >, NiHu::asymptotic::inverse< o2 > > | |
Ctmp::greater< NiHu::asymptotic::log< o1 >, NiHu::asymptotic::log< o2 > > | |
Ctmp::integer< T, N > | Integer type representation |
Ctmp::less< integer< T, N >, integer< T, M > > | Metafunction comparing to integers |
Ctmp::less< NiHu::asymptotic::inverse< o1 >, NiHu::asymptotic::inverse< o2 > > | |
Ctmp::less< NiHu::asymptotic::log< o1 >, NiHu::asymptotic::log< o2 > > | |
Ctmp::not_< A > | Boolean negation |
CNiHu::integral_operator< Kernel > | General integral operator with an arbitrary kernel |
CNiHu::integral_operator_base< Derived > | CRTP base of integral operator expressions |
►CNiHu::integral_operator_base< identity_integral_operator > | |
CNiHu::identity_integral_operator | The identity integral operator K(x,y) = \delta(x-y) |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_diff< Lhs, Rhs > | Difference of two integral operators |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression< Derived > | Base class of every integral operator |
►CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression< p2p_integral< identity_p2p_operator, TestField, TrialField > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::p2p_integral< identity_p2p_operator, TestField, TrialField > | |
►CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression< x2p_integral< Operator, NiHu::dirac_field< TestField > > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::x2p_integral< Operator, NiHu::dirac_field< TestField > > | Specialisation for integrals with dirac test fields |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< Derived > | Traits structure of an integral operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< integral_operator_diff< Lhs, Rhs > > | Traits of the difference of two integral operators |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< integral_operator_scaled< Lhs, Scalar > > | Traits of the scaled integral operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< integral_operator_src_concatenated< Lhs, Rhs > > | Traits of the source concatenated integral operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< integral_operator_sum< Lhs, Rhs > > | Traits of the sum of two integral operators |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< p2p_integral< identity_p2p_operator, TestField, TrialField > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< p2p_integral< Operator, TestField, TrialField > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< p2x_integral< Operator, TrialField > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_expression_traits< x2p_integral< Operator, TestField > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_scaled< Lhs, Scalar > | Scalar times an integral operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_src_concatenated< Lhs, Rhs > | Source-concatenation of two integral operators |
CNiHu::fmm::integral_operator_sum< Lhs, Rhs > | Sum of two integral operators |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< Derived > | Traits class for an integral operator |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< identity_integral_operator > | Traits class of the identity integral operator |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< integral_operator< Kernel > > | Traits of an integral operator |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< scaled_integral_operator< Scalar, IntOp > > | Traits class of class NiHu::scaled_integral_operator |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< sum_integral_operator< LhsOp, RhsOp > > | |
CNiHu::integral_transform_base< Derived > | CRTP base class of all integral_transform expressions |
►CNiHu::integral_transform_base< integral_transform< Operator, TrialSpace > > | |
CNiHu::integral_transform< Operator, TrialSpace > | Proxy class of a NiHu::integral_operator applied on a NiHu::function_space |
►CNiHu::integral_transform_base< integral_transform_sum< LDerived, RDerived > > | |
CNiHu::integral_transform_sum< LDerived, RDerived > | Proxy class representing a sum of two integral_transforms |
CNiHu::fmm::integrated< Op, FmmTag > | Generic integrated FMM operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integrated< Op, l2p_tag > | Specialization for L2P operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integrated< Op, m2p_tag > | Specialization for M2P operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integrated< Op, p2l_tag > | Specialization for P2L operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integrated< Op, p2m_tag > | Specialization for P2M operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integrated< Op, p2p_tag > | Specialization for P2P operator |
CNiHu::fmm::integrated_functor< TestTag, TrialTag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::interaction_lists | Class storing the different interaction lists of a tree |
CNiHu::fmm::interpolator | Class interpolating over the unit sphere |
CNiHu::interval_estimator< Interval > | Specialisation of NiHu::complexity_estimator for the interval case |
►CNiHu::interval_estimator< tmp::merge_intervals< Interval1, Interval2 >::type > | |
CNiHu::merge_kernel_complexity_estimators< interval_estimator< Interval1 >, interval_estimator< Interval2 >> | Merge two interval estimators |
CNiHu::invalid_singular_accelerator | Invalid singular accelerator assigned to nonexisting integrals |
CNiHu::invalid_singular_iterator | Invalid singular iterator assigned to nonexisting integrals |
CNiHu::inverse_mapping< Elem > | Mapping from physical to intrinsic coordinates |
CNiHu::inverse_mapping< surface_element< LSet, Scalar > > | Inverse mapping for surface elements |
CNiHu::IpowC< Base, Exp > | Metafunction computing integer power |
CNiHu::IpowC< 0, 0 > | Terminating case of the recursion IpowC |
CNiHu::IpowC< 0, Exp > | Terminating case of the recursion IpowC |
CNiHu::IpowC< Base, 0 > | Terminating case of the recursion IpowC |
►Cis_base_of | |
CNiHu::fmm::is_integral_operator_expression< C > | Metafunction to determine if C is an integral operator expression |
CNiHu::is_eigen< T > | Metafunction determining if its argument is an Eigen expression or not |
CNiHu::is_function_space< FuncSpace > | Metafunction determining if argument is function space expression |
CNiHu::is_integral_operator< IntOp > | Metafunction returning true if IntOp is an integral operator expression |
CNiHu::is_integral_transform< Proj > | Metafunction determining if argument is integral_transform expression |
CNiHu::is_weighted_residual< Wr > | Metafunction determining if argument is weighted_residual expression |
►Cis_same | |
CNiHu::is_collocational< TestField, TrialField > | Metafunction to determine if formalism is collocational |
CNiHu::is_straight_line< Field > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::is_singular< Derived > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::is_singular< Derived > | Return whether the kernel is singular or not |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::is_singular< DK > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::is_singular< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::is_surface_element< Derived > | Indicates if the element is a surface element or not |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::is_symmetric< Derived > | Return whether the kernel is symmetric or not |
CNiHu::isoparam_shape_set< Domain > | Isoparametric shape sets |
CNiHu::field_option::isoparametric | Tag to describe an isoparametric field |
►CIt | |
CNiHu::fmm::elem_center_iterator< It > | Iterate through element centers |
CNiHu::fmm::field_center_iterator< It > | Iterate through field centers |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< function_space< FieldTypeVector > >::iterator< field_t > | Iterator type of a field type subvector |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< directional_derivative_function_space< FunctionSpace > >::iterator< field_t > | |
►Citerator | |
CNiHu::dirac_field_type_accelerator_iterator | Iterator class used for the dirac accelerators |
CNiHu::fmm::elem_center_iterator< It > | Iterate through element centers |
CNiHu::fmm::field_center_iterator< It > | Iterate through field centers |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< directional_derivative_function_space< FunctionSpace > >::iterator< directional_derivative_field< original_field_t > > | |
CNiHu::jacobian_computer< elem, enable > | |
CNiHu::jacobian_computer< elem_t, typename std::enable_if< !NiHu::element_traits::is_surface_element< elem_t >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::jacobian_computer< elem_t, typename std::enable_if< NiHu::element_traits::is_surface_element< elem_t >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< Derived > | Defines the polynomial order of the shape set's Jacobian |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< brick_1_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< constant_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< line_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< line_1_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< line_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< quad_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< quad_1_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< quad_28_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< quad_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< tria_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< tria_1_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::jacobian_order< tria_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::kernel_base< Derived > | CRTP base class of all BEM kernels |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< elastodynamics_2d_U_kernel > | |
CNiHu::elastodynamics_2d_U_kernel | |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< elastodynamics_3d_T_kernel > | |
CNiHu::elastodynamics_3d_T_kernel | |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< elastodynamics_3d_U_kernel > | |
CNiHu::elastodynamics_3d_U_kernel | |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< elastostatics_2d_T_kernel > | |
CNiHu::elastostatics_2d_T_kernel | 2d traction kernel for elastostatics |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< elastostatics_2d_U_kernel > | |
CNiHu::elastostatics_2d_U_kernel | The displacement kernel of 2D elastostatics |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< elastostatics_3d_T_kernel > | |
CNiHu::elastostatics_3d_T_kernel | Traction kernel for 3d isotropic elastostatics |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< elastostatics_3d_U_kernel > | |
CNiHu::elastostatics_3d_U_kernel | Displacement kernel for 3d isotropic elastostatics |
CNiHu::kernel_base< kernel_t > | |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 0, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 0, 0 > | Zero order normal derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 0, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 0, 1 > | First y-derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 1, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 1, 0 > | First x-derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 1, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 1, 1 > | Second xy derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 2, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 2, 0 > | Second xx derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< stokes_2d_T_kernel > | |
CNiHu::stokes_2d_T_kernel | 2d traction kernel for Stokes flow |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< stokes_2d_U_kernel > | |
CNiHu::stokes_2d_U_kernel | The velocity kernel of 2D Stokes flow |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< stokes_3d_T_kernel > | |
CNiHu::stokes_3d_T_kernel | Traction kernel for 3d Stokes flow |
►CNiHu::kernel_base< stokes_3d_U_kernel > | |
CNiHu::stokes_3d_U_kernel | Velocity kernel for 3d Stokes flow |
CNiHu::kernel_base< Derived >::kernel_bind | Kernel bound at the test kernel input |
CNiHu::kernel_compl_estimator< Derived > | |
CNiHu::fmm::kernel_derivative_traits< Kernel > | |
CNiHu::fmm::kernel_derivative_traits< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceDependentKernel, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_input_traits< empty_input< Space > > | Traits of a location |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< Derived > | Traits class of a kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLP_tan_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_n_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< elastodynamics_2d_U_kernel > | Properties of the elastodynamics 2D U kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< elastodynamics_3d_T_kernel > | Properties of the elastodynamics 3D T kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< elastodynamics_3d_U_kernel > | Properties of the elastodynamics 3D U kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< elastostatics_2d_T_kernel > | Properties of the elastostatics 2d T kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< elastostatics_2d_U_kernel > | Properties of the elastostatics 2d U kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< elastostatics_3d_T_kernel > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< elastostatics_3d_U_kernel > | Properties of the elastostatics U kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< kernel_t > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 0, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 0, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 1, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 1, 1 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, 2, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< stokes_2d_T_kernel > | Properties of the Stokes 2d T kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< stokes_2d_U_kernel > | Properties of the Stokes 2d U kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< stokes_3d_T_kernel > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< stokes_3d_U_kernel > | Properties of the Stokes U kernel |
CNiHu::kernel_traits< unit_kernel< Scalar > > | Traits of the unit kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::kron_identity< Lhs, Dim > | |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::l2l | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_fmm::l2l | L2L operator of the Laplace 2D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_fmm::l2l | L2L operator of the Laplace 3D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::l2p | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_fmm::l2p< Nx > | L2P operator of the Laplace 2D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_fmm::l2p< Nx > | L2P operator of the Laplace 3D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2p_type< Nx > | |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_DLP_collocation_curved< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational integral of the DLP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_DLP_galerkin_edge_constant_line | Edge match double integral of the DLP kernel over constant lines |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_DLP_galerkin_face_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Face match double integral of the DLP kernel |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_DLPt_collocation_curved< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational integral of the DLPt kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_DLPt_galerkin_face_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Face match double integral of the DLPt kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_fmm | Fmm for the Laplace equation in 2D |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_HSP_collocation_curved< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational integral of the HSP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_HSP_collocation_straight< TestField, TrialField > | Collocational integral of the HSP kernel over a straight line |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_HSP_galerkin_edge_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Edge match double integral of the HSP kernel |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_HSP_galerkin_face_constant_line | Face match double integral of the HSP kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_HSP_galerkin_face_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Face match double integral of the HSP kernel |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_SLP_collocation_curved< TestField, TrialField, order > | Collocational integral of the SLP kernel |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_SLP_collocation_straight< TestField, TrialField > | Collocational integral of the SLP kernel over a straight line |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_SLP_galerkin_edge_constant_line | Edge match double integral of the SLP kernel over constant lines |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_SLP_galerkin_edge_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Edge match double integral of the HSP kernel |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_SLP_galerkin_face_constant_line | Face match double integral of the SLP kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_SLP_galerkin_face_general< TestField, TrialField, order > | Face match double integral of the SLP kernel |
CNiHu::laplace_2d_SLP_galerkin_face_linear_line | Face match double integral of the SLP kernel over a linear line |
CNiHu::laplace_3d_DLP_collocation_constant_plane_nearly_singular | |
CNiHu::laplace_3d_DLPt_collocation_constant_plane_nearly_singular | Collocational near.sing. integral of the laplace 3D DLPt kernel over constant plane elements |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_fmm | Fmm for the Laplace equation in 3D |
CNiHu::laplace_3d_HSP_collocation_constant_plane | Collocational singular integral of the 3D Laplace HSP kernel over a constant planar element |
CNiHu::laplace_3d_HSP_collocation_constant_plane_nearly_singular | |
CNiHu::laplace_3d_SLP_collocation_constant_plane | Collocational singular integral of the 3D Laplace SLP kernel over a constant plane element |
CNiHu::laplace_3d_SLP_collocation_constant_plane_nearly_singular | Nearly singular collocational integral of the 3D Laplace SLP kernel over planes |
CNiHu::laplace_kernel< Space > | Kernel of the Laplace equation \nabla^2 u = 0 in two and three dimensions |
Ctmp::less< N, M > | General declaration of the less oparation |
►Ctmp::less< BP1::y, BP2::y > | |
Ctmp::merge_intervals< Inter1, Inter2 >::compare_by_y_desc< BP1, BP2 > | Comparison condition to sort in descending order by y |
CNiHu::line_helper< match_type > | Helper structure for the line-line case |
CNiHu::line_quad_store< order > | Store-wrapper of a statically stored line quadrature |
CNiHu::matsumoto_internal::line_quad_store< order > | Store-wrapper of a statically stored line quadrature |
CNiHu::location_impl< Derived, Order > | Compute location derivatives from nodal coordinates |
►CNiHu::location_input< Space > | Class representing a simple location |
CNiHu::location_normal_jacobian_input< Space > | Class representing a normal + Jacobian input |
CNiHu::location_volume_jacobian_input< Space > | Class representing a Jacobian input used for volume elements |
CNiHu::element_traits::location_return_type< Derived, Order > | The return type of the physical location's derivatives |
CNiHu::element_traits::location_value_type< Derived, Order > | Matrix that stores the physical location's derivatives |
CNiHu::element_traits::location_value_type< Derived, 0 > | |
CNiHu::log_quad_store< order > | |
CLowRank< Scalar > | Class capable of storing a Low Rank Approximation of a matrix block |
CNiHu::element_traits::lset< Derived > | The geometrical shape set of the element |
CNiHu::element_traits::lset< surface_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::lset< volume_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::m2l | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_fmm::m2l | M2L operator of the Laplace 2D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_fmm::m2l | M2L operator of the Laplace 3D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::m2l_indices< Dim > | Class assigning indices to M2L distances |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::m2m | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_fmm::m2m | M2M operator of the Laplace 2D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_fmm::m2m | M2M operator of the Laplace 3D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::m2p | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_fmm::m2p< Nx > | M2P operator of the Laplace 2D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_fmm::m2p< Nx > | M2P operator of the Laplace 3D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2p_type< Nx > | |
CNiHu::bessel::make_complex< T > | Metafunction converting a floating point type to a complex type |
CNiHu::bessel::make_complex< std::complex< T > > | |
►CMap | |
CNiHu::mex::matrix< Scalar > | Matlab mex matrix |
CNiHu::mex::real_matrix< T > | |
CNiHu::match_type_vector< TestField, TrialField, Enable > | Matafunction assigning a match type vector to two fields |
CNiHu::match_type_vector< TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value >::type > | Specialisation of match_type_vector for the collocational formalism |
CNiHu::match_type_vector< TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value >::type > | Specialisation of match_type_vector for the general formalism |
►CMatrix | |
CNiHu::fmm::hat_matrix | |
►CNiHu::mex::matrix_base | Base class of a Matlab mex matrix |
CNiHu::mex::complex_matrix< T > | Container class of a complex matrix stored in Matlab format |
CNiHu::matrix_block< Matrix, RowIndex, ColIndex > | Proxy class to represent a block of a matrix |
CNiHu::fmm::matrix_free< FmmMatrix > | An Eigen::Matrix adaptor for the fmm_matrix class |
Ctmp::max_< Val, Args > | Compute maximum of types |
Ctmp::merge_intervals< Inter1, Inter2 > | Merge two intervals |
CNiHu::merge_kernel_complexity_estimators< Estim1, Estims > | Merge at least two complexity estimators |
CNiHu::merge_kernel_complexity_estimators< Estim1, Estim2 > | Merge two complexity estimators (the general case) |
►CMesh | |
CNiHu::function_space_impl< function_space_view< Mesh, FieldOption, Dimension > > | Implementation class of NiHu::function_space_view |
CNiHu::mesh_base< Derived > | |
►CNiHu::mesh_base< homogeneous_submesh< Mesh, Elem > > | |
CNiHu::homogeneous_submesh< Mesh, Elem > | |
►CNiHu::mesh_base< mesh< ElemTypeVector > > | |
CNiHu::mesh< ElemTypeVector > | Container class for a mesh |
►CNiHu::mesh_elem_iterator_t< ElemType > | Metafunction returning the iterator that traverses the homogeneous element vector of specified element type |
CNiHu::mesh< ElemTypeVector >::elem_iterator_t< ElemType > | |
►Cmesh_t | |
CNiHu::function_space_impl< function_space< FieldTypeVector > > | Class describing a function space |
Ctmp::min_< Val, Args > | Compute minimum of types |
CNiHu::minimal_reference_dimension< SingularityType > | Returns the minimal reference domain dimension where the singularity can be integrated |
CNiHu::minimal_reference_dimension< asymptotic::inverse< order > > | Specialisation of NiHu::minimal_reference_dimension to the 1/r^o singularity |
CNiHu::minimal_reference_dimension< asymptotic::log< 1 > > | Specialisation of NiHu::minimal_reference_dimension to the log<1> singularity |
CNiHu::minimal_reference_dimension< asymptotic::power< order > > | Specialisation of NiHu::minimal_reference_dimension to the r^o singularity |
Ctmp::minus< A, B > | Binary minus |
Ctmp::mul< A, B > | Binary multiply |
CNiHu::element_traits::name< Derived > | The element type's textual id |
CNiHu::domain_traits::name< Derived > | Assigns a textual id the domain |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::name< Derived > | The shape set's textual id - used for debug information |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_collocational< TrialField, Kernel, RadialOrder, TangentialOrder, Enable > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_collocational< TrialField, Kernel, RadialOrder, TangentialOrder, typename std::enable_if< element_traits::is_surface_element< typename TrialField::elem_t >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_collocational_telles< TrialField, Kernel, Order, Enable > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_collocational_telles< TrialField, Kernel, Order, typename std::enable_if< element_traits::is_surface_element< typename TrialField::elem_t >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, Enable > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< convected_helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< helmholtz_3d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< helmholtz_3d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational near.sing. integral of the Helmholtz DLPt kernel over constant tria |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Nearly singular collocation integral, 3D Helmholtz SLP, not constant linear tria |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Nearly singular collocation integral, 3D Helmholtz SLP, constant linear tria |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< laplace_3d_DLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< laplace_3d_DLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< laplace_3d_DLPt_kernel, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< laplace_3d_DLPt_kernel, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< laplace_3d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< laplace_3d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< laplace_3d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_integral< laplace_3d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Class enabling the specialisation for 3D SLP Laplace kernel |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< Kernel, Elem > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, Elem > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber >, Elem > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, Elem > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, Elem > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< laplace_3d_DLP_kernel, Elem > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< laplace_3d_DLPt_kernel, Elem > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< laplace_3d_HSP_kernel, Elem > | |
CNiHu::nearly_singular_planar_constant_collocation_shortcut< laplace_3d_SLP_kernel, Elem > | |
Ctmp::next< A > | Increment operator |
CNiHu::normal_derivative_kernel< DistanceKernel, Nx, Ny > | Normal derivative of a distance dependent kernel |
CNiHu::normal_impl< Derived, enable > | Compute surface normal from location derivatives |
CNiHu::normal_impl< Derived, typename std::enable_if< element_traits::space_type< Derived >::type::dimension==2 >::type > | Specialisation of NiHu::normal_impl for 2D |
CNiHu::normal_impl< Derived, typename std::enable_if< element_traits::space_type< Derived >::type::dimension==3 >::type > | Specialisation of NiHu::normal_impl for 3D |
CNiHu::element_traits::normal_return_type< Derived > | The return type of the normal vector |
►CNiHu::field_traits::nset_type< Derived > | Assigns the N-set type to the field |
CNiHu::field_traits::nset_type< dirac_field< Derived > > | |
►CNiHu::field_traits::nset_type< Field > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::nset_type< directional_derivative_field< Field > > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::nset_type< field< ElemType, NSet, Dimension > > | Assign an N-set type to a field |
CNiHu::field_traits::nset_type< field_view< ElemType, field_option::constant, Dimension > > | Assign an N-set type to a constant field view |
CNiHu::field_traits::nset_type< field_view< ElemType, field_option::gauss, Dimension > > | Assign a Gaussian shape set type to an element |
CNiHu::field_traits::nset_type< field_view< ElemType, field_option::isoparametric, Dimension > > | Assign an N-set type to a field view |
CNiHu::num_cols< T > | Metafunction returning the number of compile time columns |
CNiHu::num_cols< double > | Specialization of num_cols for the double scalar type |
CNiHu::num_cols< std::complex< double > > | Specialization of num_cols for the complex scalar type |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_corners< Derived > | Defines the number of domain corners |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_corners< brick_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's number of corners |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_corners< line_domain > | Metafunction returning the number of corners |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_corners< quad_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's number of corners |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_corners< tria_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's number of corners |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_edges< Derived > | Defines the number of edges |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_edges< brick_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's number of edges |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_edges< line_domain > | Metafunction returning the number of edges |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_edges< quad_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's number of edges |
CNiHu::domain_traits::num_edges< tria_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's number of edges |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< Derived > | Defines the number of shape functions in the set |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< constant_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< isoparam_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< line_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< line_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< quad_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< quad_28_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< quad_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< tria_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::num_nodes< tria_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::num_rows< T > | Metafunction returning the number of compile time rows |
CNiHu::num_rows< double > | Specialization of num_rows for the double scalar type |
CNiHu::num_rows< std::complex< double > > | Specialization of num_rows for the complex scalar type |
CNiHu::fmm::fmm_operator_collection< Ops >::op_type< FmmTag > | Metafunction for retreiving operator type for a given tag |
►CNiHu::fmm::operator_with_wave_number< WaveNumber > | Class storing a wave number |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_operator< WaveNumber > | Base class of convected operators This class stores the wave number, kappa, the mach number vector and the transform matrix |
►CNiHu::fmm::operator_with_wave_number< wave_number_t > | |
►CNiHu::fmm::convected_operator< wave_number_t > | |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2l | L2L operator of the Convected Helmholtz FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2p | L2P operator of the Convected Helmholtz FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2l | M2L (translation) operator of the Convected Helmholtz FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2m | M2M operator of the Convected Helmholtz FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2p | M2P operator of the Convected Helmholtz SLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2l | P2L operator of the Convected Helmholtz SLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m_DLP | P2M operator of the Convected Helmholtz DLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::convected_helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m_SLP | P2M operator of the Convected Helmholtz SLP kernel |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2l | L2l operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2p< Nx > | L2p operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2l | M2l operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2m | M2m operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2p< Nx > | M2p operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2l< Ny > | P2l operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m< Ny > | P2m operator |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2l | L2L operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::l2p< Nx > | L2P operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2l | M2L operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2m | M2M operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::m2p< Nx > | M2P operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2l< Ny > | P2L operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_3d_hf_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m< Ny > | P2M operator of the FMM for the Helmholtz equation in 3D |
►COriginalIterator | |
CNiHu::directional_derivative_field_iterator< directional_derivative_field< Field >, OriginalIterator > | Implementation of the iterator class |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::p2l | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_fmm::p2l< Ny > | P2L operator of the Laplace 2D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_fmm::p2l< Ny > | P2L operator of the Laplace 3D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2l_type< Ny > | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_2d_fmm::p2m< Ny > | P2M operator of the Laplace 2D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::p2m | |
CNiHu::fmm::laplace_3d_fmm::p2m< Ny > | P2M operator of the Laplace 3D FMM |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2m_type< Ny > | |
CNiHu::fmm::op_tags::p2p | |
CNiHu::fmm::p2p_integral< Operator, TestField, TrialField > | |
CNiHu::fmm::helmholtz_2d_wb_fmm< WaveNumber >::p2p_type< Nx, Ny > | |
CNiHu::fmm::p2x_integral< Operator, TrialField > | Integrate a p2x-operator over a trial field |
CNiHu::fmm::p2x_precompute< Result, FmmTag > | |
►Cpair | |
►CNiHu::dual_iterator< iteration::diagonal, It1, It2 > | Two iterators traversing in parallel mode |
CNiHu::dual_iterator< iteration::diadic, It1, It2 > | Two iterators traversing in Descartes mode |
CNiHu::plain_type< T, true > | Plain object type of a class |
Ctmp::plus< A, B > | Binary plus |
CNiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< singularity_type > | Definition of Laurent coefficients of singularities |
CNiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_n_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< convected_helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< elastostatics_3d_T_kernel > | |
CNiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< normal_derivative_kernel< laplace_kernel< space_3d< Scalar > >, 1, 1 >> | Specialisation of class NiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs for the NiHu::laplace_3d_HSP_kernel |
CNiHu::polar_laurent_coeffs< stokes_3d_T_kernel > | Polar Laurent coefficients of the 3d Stokes traction kernel |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< Derived > | Defines the polynomial order of the shape set |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< constant_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< isoparam_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< line_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< line_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< quad_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< quad_28_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< quad_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< tria_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::polynomial_order< tria_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::pool< C, MaxOrder > | Class storing a vector of class instances |
►CNiHu::pool< field_type_accelerator< Field, Family, acceleration::hard >, MaxOrder > | |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator_pool< Field, Family, Acceleration, MaxOrder > | |
►CNiHu::pool< quadrature_type< Family, Field::elem_t::domain_t >::type, MaxOrder > | |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator_pool< Field, Family, acceleration::soft, MaxOrder > | Specialisation of NiHu::field_type_accelerator for the soft acceleration case |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< Derived > | Defines the nodal degrees of freedoms of the shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< constant_shape_set< Domain > > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< line_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< line_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< quad_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< quad_28_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< quad_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< tria_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< tria_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector_mat< Derived > | Materialized position vector type |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, FmmTag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, l2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, l2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, m2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, m2m_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, m2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, p2l_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, p2m_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute< Op, p2p_tag > | |
CNiHu::fmm::precompute_functor< ClusterDerived > | |
Ctmp::prev< A > | Decrement operator |
Cprint< Seq, bool > | Print elements of a compile time sequence |
Cprint< Seq, true > | Terminating case of print |
CNiHu::product_type< Lhs, Rhs > | Metafunction returning the product type of two classes |
CNiHu::quad_helper< match_type > | Helper struct of the quad-quad algorithm |
CNiHu::quadr_elem< Derived > | Metafunction to assign a quadrature element to a quadrature |
CNiHu::quadrature_elem< XiType, ScalarType > | Quadrature element is a base point and a weight |
►CNiHu::quadrature_elem< Field::elem_t::domain_t::xi_t, Field::elem_t::domain_t::scalar_t > | |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator_elem< Field, Family, acceleration::hard > | Specialisation of NiHu::field_type_accelerator_elem for the hard acceleration case |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator_elem< Field, Family, acceleration::soft > | Specialisation of NiHu::field_type_accelerator_elem for the soft case |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::quadrature_family< Derived > | Return the quadrature family the kernel is integrated with |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::quadrature_family< Derived > | |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::quadrature_family< DK > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::quadrature_family< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::quadrature_traits< Derived > | |
CNiHu::quadrature_traits< gaussian_quadrature< Domain > > | Traits of a Gaussian quadrature |
CNiHu::quadrature_traits< log_gaussian_quadrature > | Traits of a Log-Gaussian quadrature |
CNiHu::quadrature_type< Family, Domain > | Metafunction to assign a quadrature type to a quadrature family and a domain |
CNiHu::quadrature_type< Family, Field::elem_t::domain_t > | |
CNiHu::quadrature_type< quadrature_family_t, trial_domain_t > | |
►CNiHu::field_traits::quantity_dimension< Derived > | Assigns the dimensionality of the interpolated physical quantity |
CNiHu::field_traits::quantity_dimension< dirac_field< Derived > > | |
►CNiHu::field_traits::quantity_dimension< Field > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::quantity_dimension< directional_derivative_field< Field > > | |
►Cratio_less | |
Ctmp::merge_intervals< Inter1, Inter2 >::compare_by_x_asc< BP1, BP2 > | Comparison condition to sort in ascending order by x |
CNiHu::real_part_type< T > | Metafunction returning the real scalar part type |
CNiHu::real_part_type< std::complex< T > > | Specialisation of real_part_type for a complex scalar |
CNiHu::asymptotic::regular | No singularity |
CNiHu::regular_quad_store< domain_t, order > | Store-wrapper of a statically stored quadrature |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::result< Derived > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::result< Derived > | Return the kernel's result type |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::result< DK > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::result< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::result< exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::result< gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::result< helmholtz_kernel< Space, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::result< laplace_kernel< Space > > | |
CNiHu::scalar< T > | Metafunction returning the scalar type |
CNiHu::scalar< double > | Specialization of scalar for the double type |
CNiHu::scalar< std::complex< double > > | Specialization of scalar for the complex type |
CNiHu::scaled_integral_operator< Scalar, IntOp > | Proxy class representing an integral operator multiplied by a scalar |
Ctmp::select_argument< N, T, Args > | Select N-th argument of a variadic template |
Ctmp::select_argument< 1U, T, Args... > | Terminating case of select_argument |
►Ctmp::select_argument< N, Args... > | |
Ctmp::arg< N >::apply< Args > | |
CNiHu::select_singular_accelerator< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, SingularityDimension, class > | Select a singular accelerator for a kernel and test and trial fields |
CNiHu::semi_block_product_result_type< mat, rightDerived > | Metafunction returning the value type of a semi block product |
CNiHu::semi_block_product_result_type< typename singular_core_t::result_t, trial_n_shape_t > | |
►CSeq | |
Ctmp::bubble_sort< Seq, Compare, integer< int, 0 > > | Terminating case of bubble_sort for short vectors |
CNiHu::sequence_materializer< Seq > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< Derived, Order > | Defines the complexity to determine if the shape functions can be precomputed or not |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< line_1_gauss_shape_set, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< line_1_gauss_shape_set, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< line_1_gauss_shape_set, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< line_2_shape_set, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< line_2_shape_set, Order > | |
►CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< lset< Derived >::type, Order > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::location_complexity< Derived, Order > | Defines the complexity to determine if the location derivative can be precomputed or not |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< quad_1_gauss_shape_set, Order > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< quad_28_shape_set, Order > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< quad_2_shape_set, Order > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< tria_1_gauss_shape_set, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< tria_1_gauss_shape_set, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< tria_1_gauss_shape_set, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< tria_2_shape_set, Order > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< Derived, Order > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< brick_1_shape_set, 0 > | Linear 8-noded general brick shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_function< brick_1_shape_set, 1 > | Linear 8-noded general brick shape function derivative matrix |
CNiHu::shape_function< brick_1_shape_set, 2 > | Linear 8-noded general brick shape function second derivative matrix |
CNiHu::shape_function< constant_shape_set< Domain >, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< constant_shape_set< Domain >, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< constant_shape_set< Domain >, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_1_gauss_shape_set, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_1_gauss_shape_set, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_1_gauss_shape_set, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_1_shape_set, 0 > | Linear 2-noded line shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_1_shape_set, 1 > | Linear 2-noded line shape function derivative matrix |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_1_shape_set, 2 > | Linear 2-noded line shape function second derivative matrix |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_2_shape_set, 0 > | Quadratic 3-noded line shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_2_shape_set, 1 > | Quadratic 3-noded line shape function derivatives |
CNiHu::shape_function< line_2_shape_set, 2 > | Quadratic 3-noded line shape function second derivatives |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_1_gauss_shape_set, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_1_gauss_shape_set, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_1_shape_set, 0 > | Linear 4-noded general quadrilateral shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_1_shape_set, 1 > | Linear 4-noded general quadrilater shape function derivative matrix |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_1_shape_set, 2 > | Linear 4-noded general quadrilater shape function second derivative matrix |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_28_shape_set, 0 > | Quadratic 8-noded quad shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_28_shape_set, 1 > | Quadratic 8-noded quad shape function derivatives |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_28_shape_set, 2 > | Quadratic 8-noded quad shape function second derivatives |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_2_shape_set, 0 > | Quadratic 9-noded quad shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_2_shape_set, 1 > | Quadratic 9-noded quad shape function derivatives |
CNiHu::shape_function< quad_2_shape_set, 2 > | Quadratic 9-noded quad shape function second derivatives |
CNiHu::shape_function< tria_1_gauss_shape_set, 0 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< tria_1_gauss_shape_set, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_function< tria_1_shape_set, 0 > | Linear 3-noded triangle shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_function< tria_1_shape_set, 1 > | Linear 3-noded tria elem shape function derivative matrix |
CNiHu::shape_function< tria_1_shape_set, 2 > | Linear 3-noded tria elem shape function second derivative matrix |
CNiHu::shape_function< tria_2_shape_set, 0 > | Quadratic 6-noded tria shape functions |
CNiHu::shape_function< tria_2_shape_set, 1 > | Quadratic 6-noded tria shape function derivatives |
CNiHu::shape_function< tria_2_shape_set, 2 > | Quadratic 6-noded tria shape function second derivatives |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_return_type< Derived, Order > | Defines the return type of the shape function matrix |
►CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_return_type< nset_type< Derived >::type, 0 > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::eval_return_type< Derived > | Return type of the eval method |
CNiHu::shape_set_base< Derived > | Shapeset base class for CRTP |
►CNiHu::shape_set_base< line_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::line_1_gauss_shape_set | |
►CNiHu::shape_set_base< line_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::line_2_shape_set | Quadratic 3-noded line shape function set |
►CNiHu::shape_set_base< quad_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::quad_1_gauss_shape_set | |
►CNiHu::shape_set_base< quad_28_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::quad_28_shape_set | Quadratic 8-noded quad shape function set |
►CNiHu::shape_set_base< quad_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::quad_2_shape_set | Quadratic 9-noded quad shape function set |
►CNiHu::shape_set_base< tria_1_gauss_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::tria_1_gauss_shape_set | |
►CNiHu::shape_set_base< tria_2_shape_set > | |
CNiHu::tria_2_shape_set | Quadratic 6-noded tria shape function set |
►CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_value_type< Derived, Order > | Defines the value type of the shape function matrix (and derivatives) |
CNiHu::shape_set_base< Derived >::shape_value_type< Order > | Type of an L(\xi) vector |
►CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_value_type< nset_type< directional_derivative_field< Field > >::type, 0 > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::eval_return_type< directional_derivative_field< Field > > | |
CNiHu::single_integral< TestField, TrialField, class > | Single integral for different element types |
CNiHu::single_integral_impl< TestField, TrialField, Formalism > | Single integral over an element for the general case |
►CNiHu::single_integral_impl< TestField, TrialField > | |
CNiHu::single_integral< TestField, TrialField, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename TestField::elem_t, typename TrialField::elem_t >::value >::type > | Single integral for matching element types |
CNiHu::single_integral_impl< TestField, TrialField, formalism::collocational > | Specialisation for the collocational case |
CNiHu::single_integral_traits< TestField, TrialField > | Traits class of NiHu::single_integral |
CNiHu::singular_accelerator< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, class > | Accelerator class that stores singular quadratures for different singularity types |
CNiHu::singular_accelerator< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::collocational > | Specialisation the singular accelerator for the collocational case |
CNiHu::singular_accelerator< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::general > | Specialisation of NiHu::singular_accelerator for the general formalism |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singular_core< DerivedSpace > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singular_core< Derived > | Return the kernel's singular core type |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singular_core< helmholtz_kernel< Space, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singular_core< laplace_kernel< Space > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singular_core< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature< quadrature_family_t, test_domain_t, trial_domain_t > | Class computing singular Galerkin type quadratures for different domains |
CNiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature< quadrature_family_t, line_domain, line_domain > | Specialisation of NiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature for the line-line case |
CNiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature< quadrature_family_t, quad_domain, quad_domain > | Specialisation of NiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature for the quad-quad case |
CNiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature< quadrature_family_t, quad_domain, tria_domain > | Specialisation of NiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature for the quad-tria case |
CNiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature< quadrature_family_t, tria_domain, quad_domain > | Specialisation of NiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature for the tria-quad case |
CNiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature< quadrature_family_t, tria_domain, tria_domain > | Specialisation of NiHu::singular_galerkin_quadrature for the tria-tria case |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, SingularityDimension, Enable > | Shortcut for the user to define customised singular integral methods |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D DLPt kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_n_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D DLPt kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< convected_helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D HSP kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< elastodynamics_3d_T_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::collocational >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the T kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< elastostatics_2d_T_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D T kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< elastostatics_2d_T_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&std::is_same< typename TestField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TestField::nset_t, line_0_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::nset_t, line_0_shape_set >::value >::type > | Galerkin face-match singular integral of the 2D T kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< elastostatics_2d_U_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D U kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< elastostatics_2d_U_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TestField::nset_t, line_0_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::nset_t, line_0_shape_set >::value >::type > | Galerkin face-match singular integral of the 2D U kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< elastostatics_3d_T_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::collocational >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the T kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!(std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value) >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D DLP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | Face-match double integral of the DLP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!(std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value) >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D DLPt kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | Face-match double integral of the DLPt kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_0d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value >::type > | Edge-match double integral of the SLP kernel over two constant lines |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D HSP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D HSP kernel over a straight line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value >::type > | Face-match double integral of the HSP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2d SLP kernel over not a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2d SLP kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!(is_constant_line< TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value) >::type > | Face match double integral of the SLP kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_2d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value >::type > | Face match double integral of the SLP kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D HSP kernel NOT over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D HSP kernel over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::collocational >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::lset_t, tria_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::nset_t, tria_0_shape_set >::value >::type > | Collocational hypersingular integral of the HSP kernel over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D SLP kernel over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::collocational >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::lset_t, tria_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::nset_t, tria_0_shape_set >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the SLP kernel over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_DLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_0d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_straight_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the DLP kernel over a straight line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_DLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_0d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value >::type > | Edge-match double integral of the DLP kernel over constant lines |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_DLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_straight_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational integral of the DLP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_DLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | Face-match double integral of the DLP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_DLPt_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_straight_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational integral of the DLPt kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_DLPt_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | Face-match double integral of the DLPt kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_0d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value >::type > | Edge-match double integral of the HSP kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_straight_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational integral of the HSP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_straight_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational integral of the HSP kernel over a straight line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!(is_constant_line< TestField >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value) >::type > | Face-match double integral of the HSP kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Face-match double integral of the HSP kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_0d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_straight_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the SLP kernel over a straight line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_0d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!(is_constant_line< TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value) >::type > | Edge-match double integral of the SLP kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_0d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value >::type > | Edge-match double integral of the SLP kernel over constant lines |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_straight_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational integral of the SLP kernel over a curved line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_straight_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the SLP kernel over a straight line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&!(is_linear_line< TrialField >::value &&is_linear_line< TestField >::value) &&!(is_constant_line< TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value) >::type > | Face-match double integral of the SLP kernel |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&is_constant_line< TestField >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Face-match double integral of the SLP kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_2d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&is_linear_line< TrialField >::value &&is_linear_line< TestField >::value >::type > | Face-match double integral of the SLP kernel over a linear line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_3d_Gxx_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3d Gxx kernel over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_3d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&!is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the HSP kernel not over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_3d_HSP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D HSP kernel over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_3d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_tria< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 3D SLP kernel over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< laplace_3d_SLP_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::lset_t, tria_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::nset_t, tria_0_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TestField::nset_t, tria_0_shape_set >::value >::type > | Galerkin singular integral of the Laplace SLP kernel over a constant triangle |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, 0, 1 >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, 0, 1 >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, tria_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, 1, 0 >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, 1, 0 >, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, tria_1_shape_set >::value >::type > | |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< stokes_2d_T_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D T kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< stokes_2d_T_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&std::is_same< typename TestField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TestField::nset_t, line_0_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::nset_t, line_0_shape_set >::value >::type > | Galerkin face-match singular integral of the 2D T kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< stokes_2d_U_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< is_collocational< TestField, TrialField >::value &&is_constant_line< TrialField >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the 2D U kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< stokes_2d_U_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_1d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::general >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::elem_t::lset_t, line_1_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TestField::nset_t, line_0_shape_set >::value &&std::is_same< typename TrialField::nset_t, line_0_shape_set >::value >::type > | Galerkin face-match singular integral of the 2D U kernel over a constant line |
CNiHu::singular_integral_shortcut< stokes_3d_T_kernel, TestField, TrialField, match::match_2d_type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename get_formalism< TestField, TrialField >::type, formalism::collocational >::value >::type > | Collocational singular integral of the T kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< Derived > | Singular traits class of a kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLP_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLP_tan_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_DLPt_n_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_HSP_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< convected_helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel< WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< elastodynamics_2d_U_kernel > | Singular properties of the elastodynamics 2D U kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< elastodynamics_3d_T_kernel > | Singular properties of the elastodynamics 3D T kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< elastodynamics_3d_U_kernel > | Singular properties of the elastodynamics 3D U kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< elastostatics_2d_T_kernel > | Singular properties of the elastostatics 2d T kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< elastostatics_2d_U_kernel > | Singular properties of the elastostatics 2d U kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< elastostatics_3d_T_kernel > | Singular properties of the elastostatics T kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< elastostatics_3d_U_kernel > | Singular properties of the elastostatics U kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< stokes_2d_T_kernel > | Singular properties of the Stokes 2d T kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< stokes_2d_U_kernel > | Singular properties of the Stokes 2d U kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< stokes_3d_T_kernel > | Singular properties of the Stokes T kernel |
CNiHu::singular_kernel_traits< stokes_3d_U_kernel > | Singular properties of the Stokes U kernel |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singular_quadrature_order< Derived > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singular_quadrature_order< Derived > | Return the quadrature order the singular kernel needs to be integrated with |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singular_quadrature_order< DK > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singular_quadrature_order< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::singular_shortcut_switch< SingularityDimension > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< Derived > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::singularity_type< Derived > | Return the kernel's singularity type |
CNiHu::acceleration::soft | View-acceleration |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::space< Derived > | |
►CSpace | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::space< helmholtz_kernel< Space, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::space< laplace_kernel< Space > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::space< exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::space< gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::space< Derived > | Return the coordinate space where the kernel is defined |
►CNiHu::space< Scalar, Dimension > | Class representing a coordinate space with a scalar and a dimension |
CNiHu::domain_traits::space_type< brick_domain > | Metafunction returning the space type |
CNiHu::domain_traits::space_type< line_domain > | Metafunction returning the space type |
CNiHu::domain_traits::space_type< quad_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's space type |
CNiHu::domain_traits::space_type< tria_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's space type |
►CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::space< DK > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::space< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
►CNiHu::space< Scalar, LSet::domain_t::dimension > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::space_type< volume_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
►CNiHu::space< Scalar, LSet::domain_t::dimension+1 > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::space_type< surface_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::domain_traits::space_type< Derived > | Assigns a coordinate space to the domain |
CNiHu::element_traits::space_type< Derived > | The physical coordinate space of the element |
CNiHu::fmm::spectral_interpolate | Class performing spectral interpolation |
Ctmp::stack_iterator< Seq > | Stack iterator type used by tmp::begin, tmp::end and tmp::deref |
Ctmp::stack_iterator< empty_stack > | |
►Ctmp::stack_iterator< Seq::tail > | |
Ctmp::next< stack_iterator< Seq > > | Increment a stack iterator |
Ctmp::stack_iterator< Stack > | |
CNiHu::stokes_2d_U_collocation_constant_line | Collocational singular integral of 2D Stokes U kernel over constant line |
CNiHu::stokes_2d_U_galerkin_face_constant_line | Galerkin face match integral of 2D Stokes U kernel over constant line |
►CNiHu::stokes_kernel | Base class for Stokes kernels. This class contains one material parameter |
CNiHu::stokes_2d_T_kernel | 2d traction kernel for Stokes flow |
CNiHu::stokes_2d_U_kernel | The velocity kernel of 2D Stokes flow |
CNiHu::stokes_3d_T_kernel | Traction kernel for 3d Stokes flow |
CNiHu::stokes_3d_U_kernel | Velocity kernel for 3d Stokes flow |
CNiHu::store< C > | Storage class with a static member |
CNiHu::sum_integral_operator< LhsOp, RhsOp > | |
CNiHu::sum_type< Lhs, Rhs > | |
CNiHu::surface_element< LSet, scalar_t > | Class describing a surface element that provides a normal vector |
CNiHu::surface_element< LSet, Scalar > | |
CNiHu::tag2type< Tag > | Metafunction recovering the type from a tag |
CNiHu::tag2type< type2tag< Type > > | |
►Ctemplate apply< Args... > | |
Ctmp::apply< Fun, Args > | The apply metafunction shortcut for lambda evaluation |
►Ctemplate apply< arithmetic_sequence_impl< increment_type< std::integral_constant< int, 0 >, increment >::type, N-1, empty< tmp::vector<> >::type, increment >::type, std::integral_constant< int, 0 > > | |
►Ctmp::push_front< arithmetic_sequence_impl< increment_type< std::integral_constant< int, 0 >, increment >::type, N-1, empty< tmp::vector<> >::type, increment >::type, std::integral_constant< int, 0 > > | |
►Ctmp::internal::arithmetic_sequence_impl< std::integral_constant< int, 0 >, N, empty< tmp::vector<> >::type, increment > | |
►Ctmp::arithmetic_sequence< std::integral_constant< int, 0 >, num_nodes< isoparam_shape_set< Domain > >::value, tmp::vector<>, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::corner_index_vector< isoparam_shape_set< Domain > > | |
►Ctemplate apply< arithmetic_sequence_impl< increment_type< value, increment >::type, N-1, empty< Seq >::type, increment >::type, value > | |
►Ctmp::push_front< arithmetic_sequence_impl< increment_type< value, increment >::type, N-1, empty< Seq >::type, increment >::type, value > | |
►Ctmp::internal::arithmetic_sequence_impl< value, N, empty< Seq >::type, 1 > | |
Ctmp::arithmetic_sequence< value, N, Seq, increment > | Generate an arithmetic sequence |
►Ctemplate apply< arithmetic_sequence_impl< increment_type< value, increment >::type, N-1, Seq, increment >::type, value > | |
Ctmp::push_front< arithmetic_sequence_impl< increment_type< value, increment >::type, N-1, Seq, increment >::type, value > | |
►Ctemplate apply< constant_sequence_impl< dof0, N-1, empty< tmp::vector<> >::type >::type, dof0 > | |
►Ctmp::push_back< constant_sequence_impl< dof0, N-1, empty< tmp::vector<> >::type >::type, dof0 > | |
►Ctmp::internal::constant_sequence_impl< dof0, N, empty< tmp::vector<> >::type > | |
►Ctmp::constant_sequence< dof0, num_nodes< isoparam_shape_set< Domain > >::value, tmp::vector<> > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::position_dof_vector< isoparam_shape_set< Domain > > | |
►Ctemplate apply< constant_sequence_impl< value, N-1, empty< Seq >::type >::type, value > | |
►Ctmp::push_back< constant_sequence_impl< value, N-1, empty< Seq >::type >::type, value > | |
►Ctmp::internal::constant_sequence_impl< value, N, empty< Seq >::type > | |
Ctmp::constant_sequence< value, N, Seq > | Generate a constant sequence |
►Ctemplate apply< constant_sequence_impl< value, N-1, Seq >::type, value > | |
Ctmp::push_back< constant_sequence_impl< value, N-1, Seq >::type, value > | |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq > | |
Ctmp::clear< Seq > | Clear a sequence |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq > | |
Ctmp::pop_front< Seq > | Pop an element from the front |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq > | |
Ctmp::pop_back< Seq > | Pop an element from the back |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq > | |
Ctmp::end< Seq > | Return end iterator of a sequence |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq > | |
Ctmp::size< Seq > | Return size |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq > | |
Ctmp::begin< Seq > | Return begin iterator of a sequence |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq, Pos > | |
►Ctmp::at< Seq, Pos > | Return element at a given position |
Ctmp::deref< vector_iterator< Seq, Pos > > | Dereference a vector iterator |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq, T > | |
Ctmp::push_back< Seq, T > | Push an element to the back |
►Ctemplate apply< Seq, T > | |
Ctmp::push_front< Seq, T > | Push an element to the front |
►Ctemplate wr_result_type | |
CNiHu::integral_operator_base< Derived >::wr_result_type< TestField, TrialField > | Metafunction obtained from the traits class |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::test_input< Derived > | Return the kernel's test input |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::test_input< exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::test_input< gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::test_input< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, 0, Ny > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::test_input< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
►Ctmp::internal::transform_if_ptr_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, Ins, Cond, tmp::deref< _1 > > | |
►Ctmp::transform_if_ptr< Seq, Ins, Cond, tmp::deref< _1 > > | |
Ctmp::copy_if< Seq, Ins, Cond > | Copy elements from a container into an other |
►Ctmp::internal::transform_if_ptr_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, Ins, Cond, Trans > | |
Ctmp::transform_if_ptr< Seq, Ins, Cond, Trans > | Conditionally transform elements in a sequence |
►Ctmp::internal::transform_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, Ins, _1 > | |
►Ctmp::transform< Seq, Ins, _1 > | |
Ctmp::copy< Seq, Ins > | Copy elements from a container into an other |
►Ctmp::internal::transform_impl< begin< Seq >::type, end< Seq >::type, Ins, Trans > | |
Ctmp::transform< Seq, Ins, Trans > | Transform elements in a sequence using a user-specified metafunctor and an inserter |
►Ctmp::internal::transform_impl< begin< Seq2 >::type, end< Seq2 >::type, inserter< Seq1, push_back< _1, _2 > >, _1 > | |
►Ctmp::transform< Seq2, inserter< Seq1, push_back< _1, _2 > >, _1 > | |
Ctmp::concatenate< Seq1, Seq2 > | Concatenate two sequences into a new sequence |
CNiHu::tria_helper< match_type > | Helper structure for the tria-tria case |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::trial_input< Derived > | Return the kernel's trial input |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::trial_input< exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::trial_input< gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::trial_input< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, 0 > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::trial_input< normal_derivative_kernel< DK, Nx, Ny > > | |
►Ctrue_type | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::is_singular< helmholtz_kernel< Space, WaveNumber > > | |
CNiHu::distance_dependent_kernel_traits_ns::is_singular< laplace_kernel< Space > > | |
CNiHu::element_traits::is_surface_element< surface_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::field_traits::is_dirac< dirac_field< Derived > > | |
CNiHu::fmm::is_local_operator< identity_p2p_operator > | Metafunction specialization |
CNiHu::is_result_matrix_impl< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > > | |
CNiHu::is_result_matrix_impl< mex::complex_matrix< T > > | Declaring mex::complex_matrix as a result matrix type |
CNiHu::is_result_matrix_impl< mex::matrix< Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::is_result_matrix_impl< mex::real_matrix< T > > | Declaring mex::real_matrix as a result matrix type |
CNiHu::is_specialisation< T, Enable > | Metafunction that determines if a type is a specialisation |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::is_symmetric< exponential_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
CNiHu::kernel_traits_ns::is_symmetric< gaussian_covariance_kernel< Space, Dimension > > | |
Ctmp::and_< std::true_type > | Conjunction of boolean constants (recursion terminator) |
Ctmp::containsPlaceholderExpressionImpl< std::true_type, Args... > | |
Ctmp::greater< NiHu::asymptotic::inverse< o1 >, NiHu::asymptotic::log< o2 > > | |
Ctmp::isPlaceholder< arg< N > > | |
Ctmp::isPlaceholderExpression< arg< N > > | |
Ctmp::less< NiHu::asymptotic::log< o1 >, NiHu::asymptotic::inverse< o2 > > | |
Ctmp::merge_intervals< Inter1, Inter2 >::copy_cond< Begin, Begin > | Copy condition when zipping an interval |
Ctmp::or_< std::true_type, Args... > | Disjunction of Boolean constants |
►Ctype | |
►CNiHu::casted_iterator< base_traits::template iterator< dirac_field_t::field_t >::type, dirac_field_t, field_impl< dirac_field_t::field_t > > | |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< dirac_space< FuncSpace > >::iterator< dirac_field_t > | Iterator class traversing a field subvector |
CNiHu::mesh< ElemTypeVector >::elem_adder< elem_t >::type | |
►Ctype | |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator< Field, Family, acceleration::soft, typename std::enable_if<!field_traits::is_dirac< Field >::value >::type > | Field type accelerator for the soft non-dirac case |
CNiHu::singular_shortcut_switch< SingularityDimension >::type | |
CNiHu::merge_kernel_complexity_estimators< Estim1, Estim2 >::type | |
►Ctype | |
►CNiHu::casted_iterator< mesh_elem_iterator_t< field_t::elem_t >::type, field_t > | |
CNiHu::function_space_traits< function_space_view< Mesh, FieldOption, Dimension > >::iterator< field_t > | Iterator class traversing a field subvector |
►Ctype | |
CNiHu::field_type_accelerator< Field, Family, acceleration::hard, typename std::enable_if<!field_traits::is_dirac< Field >::value >::type > | Field type accelerator for the hard non-dirac case |
CNiHu::quadrature_base< Derived > | CRTP base class of all quadratures |
►CNiHu::quadrature_base< gaussian_quadrature< line_domain > > | |
CNiHu::gaussian_quadrature< line_domain > | Gaussian quadrature over a line domain |
►CNiHu::quadrature_base< gaussian_quadrature< quad_domain > > | |
CNiHu::gaussian_quadrature< quad_domain > | Gaussian quadrature over a quad domain |
►CNiHu::quadrature_base< gaussian_quadrature< tria_domain > > | |
CNiHu::gaussian_quadrature< tria_domain > | Specialisation of gauss_quadrature for a triangle domain |
►CNiHu::quadrature_base< log_gaussian_quadrature > | |
CNiHu::log_gaussian_quadrature | Log-Gaussian quadrature over a line domain |
CNiHu::assembly< TestSpace, TrialSpace, OnSameMesh >::eval_on_impl< Operator, TestField, TrialField, isTrivial >::type | |
CNiHu::singular_accelerator< Kernel, TestField, TrialField, formalism::general >::generate_wrapper< Match >::type | |
CNiHu::function_space_impl< function_space< FieldTypeVector > >::field_adder< field_t >::type | |
CNiHu::function_space_impl_internal::get_num_dofs< Mesh, field_option::gauss, Dimension >::count_elem_type_nodes< ElemType >::type | |
CNiHu::assembly< TestSpace, TrialSpace, OnSameMesh >::eval_on_impl< Operator, TestField, TrialField, true >::type | |
CNiHu::type2tag< Type > | Metafunction assigning a tag to a type |
CNiHu::unit_kernel< Scalar > | Unit kernel returning K(x,y) = 1 for all inputs |
CNiHu::fmm::unit_sphere | Class performing interpolation and integration over the unit sphere |
Ctmp::vector< Args > | Compile time vector with an arbitrary number of arguments |
Ctmp::vector< Args... > | |
Ctmp::vector< Args..., T > | |
Ctmp::vector< T, Args... > | |
Ctmp::vector<> | |
Ctmp::vector_iterator< Seq, Pos > | Vector iterator type used by tmp::begin, tmp::end and tmp::deref |
►Ctmp::vector_iterator< Seq, next< Pos >::type > | |
Ctmp::next< vector_iterator< Seq, Pos > > | Increment a vector iterator |
►Ctmp::vector_iterator< Seq, prev< Pos >::type > | |
Ctmp::prev< vector_iterator< Seq, Pos > > | Decrement a vector iterator |
CNiHu::domain_traits::volume< Derived > | Defines the domain's size (volume) |
CNiHu::domain_traits::volume< brick_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's volume |
CNiHu::domain_traits::volume< line_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's volume |
CNiHu::domain_traits::volume< quad_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's volume |
CNiHu::domain_traits::volume< tria_domain > | Metafunction returning the domain's volume |
CNiHu::volume_element< LSet, scalar_t > | Class describing a volume element that has no normal vector |
►CNiHu::wave_number_kernel< WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::convected_helmholtz_kernel< WaveNumber, Space > | Base class of kernels of the convected Helmholtz equation |
CNiHu::helmholtz_kernel< space_2d< scalar >, WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::helmholtz_kernel< space_3d< scalar >, WaveNumber > | |
CNiHu::wc_time | Wall clock time |
CNiHu::weighted_input< Input, Elem > | Weigthed input is an extended input that contains the jacobian a well |
CNiHu::weighted_input< location_input< typename surface_element< LSet, Scalar >::space_t >, surface_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::weighted_input< location_input< typename volume_element< LSet, Scalar >::space_t >, volume_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::weighted_input< location_normal_jacobian_input< typename surface_element< LSet, Scalar >::space_t >, surface_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::weighted_input< location_volume_jacobian_input< typename volume_element< LSet, Scalar >::space_t >, volume_element< LSet, Scalar > > | |
CNiHu::wr_base< Derived > | Base class of all weighted residual expressions |
►CNiHu::wr_base< weighted_residual< TestSpace, Projection > > | |
CNiHu::weighted_residual< TestSpace, Projection > | A weighted residual proxy storing a function_space and an integral_transform |
►CNiHu::wr_base< wr_sum< Left, Right > > | |
CNiHu::wr_sum< Left, Right > | Sum of two weighted residual expressions |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< identity_integral_operator >::wr_result_type | |
CNiHu::integral_operator_traits< integral_operator< Kernel > >::wr_result_type< TestField, TrialField > | Metafunction returning the weighted residual return type |
CNiHu::fmm::x2p_integral< Operator, TestField > | Integrate an x2p-operator over a test field |
CNiHu::fmm::x2p_precompute< Result, FmmTag > | |
►CNiHu::matrix_function_complexity::zero | Returned matrix is a zero expression |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< constant_shape_set< Domain >, 1 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< constant_shape_set< Domain >, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< line_1_shape_set, 2 > | |
CNiHu::shape_set_traits::shape_complexity< tria_1_shape_set, 2 > | |