NiHu  2.0
What's new in release 2.0?

Fast multipole methods

The main new feature of the 2.0 release is the inclusion of the generic fast multipole extension. The key characteristics of the extension are:

  • Generic implementation of the fast multipole method (FMM) that can be specialized for solving problems of various types
  • Cluster tree building based on specific cluster division criteria
  • FMM operator manipulations including arithmetic expressions
  • Transparent interface of the generalized FMM matrix class applicable in iterative linear and eigensolvers
  • Parallelization using the OpenMP standard, BFS and DFS traversing strategies, built-in timing analysis module
  • Contains specialized algorithms for different fundamental solutions, as well as general black-box method for smooth kernels
  • Accessible both in standalone and Matlab-based applications

Nearly singular integrals

New methods are integrated to handle nearly singular integrals arising in various boundary element formulations.

  • Can be specialized for various kernel and field types
  • Supports compile-time algorithm selection
  • Contains the implementation of the adaptive quadrature method proposed by Telles.


The new release contains a collection of prepared applicaions that can applied to solve problems in different fields of engineering. The prepared applications also serve as guidelines in developing new, user-customized solvers. Some applications are listed below.

  • Elastodynamics and elastostatics: 3D conventional BEM
  • Helmholtz solvers: 2D conventional BEM and wideband FMBEM, 3D conventional BEM and high frequency FMBEM, Burton & Miller formulation for mitigating the problem of fictitious eigenfrequencies
  • Laplace solvers: 2D conventional BEM and FMBEM, 3D conventional BEM and FMBEM
  • Stochastic eigendecomposition: Generic Black-box FMM (arbitrary space and field dimensions)

For a detailed list of collected appliactions please visit the Applications page.

Benchmark cases for linear acoustics

Release 2.0 contains some selected benchmark problems in the field of linear acoustics.