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Customising singular integrals


This tutorial explains how to customise the evaluation of a singular integral in NiHu. Our example of demonstration is the collocational singular integral of the 3D Helmholtz single layer potential kernel on a constant triangle element.


The singular integral

The collocational singular integral of the single layer potential kernel on a constant triangular element reads as

\displaystyle L = \int_S \frac{\exp(-\mathrm{i} k r)}{4\pi r}\mathrm{d}S_{\bf y}, \quad r = |{\bf y} - {\bf x}_0|

where {\bf x}_0 is the singular collocation point in the center of the element.

The method of static part subtraction

The integral L can be regularised by subtracting and adding its static k = 0 part:

\displaystyle L = L_0 + L_k = \int_S \frac{1}{4\pi r}\mathrm{d}S_{\bf y} + \int_S \frac{\exp(-\mathrm{i}kr)-1}{4\pi r}\mathrm{d}S_{\bf y} = \int_S \frac{1}{4\pi r}\mathrm{d}S_{\bf y} - \frac{\mathrm{i}k}{4\pi} \int_S \exp(-\mathrm{i}kr/2) \mathrm{sinc}({kr/2}) \mathrm{d}S_{\bf y}

The dynamic part is clearly regular and can be integrated with a low order regular quadrature. The static singular part can be evaluated analytically:

\displaystyle L_0 = \frac{1}{4\pi}\sum_{i=1}^{3} R_i \sin \alpha_i \left[ \log\left(\frac{\tan{\frac{\phi_i+\alpha_i}{2}}}{\tan{\frac{\alpha_i}{2}}}\right) \right]

where R_i denotes the distance from the singular point to the i -th corner of the triangle, and the angles \phi_i and \alpha_i are explained in the figure below:

Definition of the radii and angles for the singular integral of the static kernel

The C++ code

The singular integral shortcut

Singular integrals can be customised by specialising the class template NiHu::singular_integral_shortcut for the specified singular integral type.

The class template is declared as

template <class Kernel, class TestField, class TrialField, class Singulartiy, class Enable>
class singular_integral_shortcut;

Where the parameters are

  • Kernel the kernel type (NiHu::helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel template in our case)
  • TestField, TrialField the test and trial field types (both constant triangles, the test field is a Dirac-view because of the collocational approach)
  • Singularity the singularity type (NiHu::singularity::face_match_type in our case)
  • Enable an additional parameter to make complex type selection easy using the C++11 feature std::enable_if

Our specialisation is parametrised as follows

template <class TestField, class TrialField>
class singular_integral_shortcut<
helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel<double>, TestField, TrialField, singularity::face_match_type,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<typename get_formalism<TestField, TrialField>::type, formalism::collocational>::value &&
std::is_same<typename TrialField::lset_t, tria_1_shape_set>::value &&
std::is_same<typename TrialField::nset_t, tria_0_shape_set>::value
>::type >
// ...
template <class result_t> // the result matrix type
static result_t &eval(
result_t &result, // result matrix reference
kernel_base<helmholtz_3d_SLP_kernel<double> > const &kernel, // kernel instance (CRTP)
field_base<TestField> const &, // unused
field_base<TrialField> const &trial_field, // the trial field instance
element_match const &) // match data (unused for face_match)
// ...

The test and trial field types are left as template arguments of the specialisation, but they are used in the arguments of std::enable_if to select the appropriate specialisation case. The specialisation is enabled if

  • the formalism (deduced from the test and trial fields by the metafunction NiHu::get_formalism) is NiHu::formalism::collocational
  • the geometrical interpolation function (L-set) of the trial field is NiHu::tria_1_shape_set
  • the field interpolation function (N-set) of the trial field is NiHu::tria_0_shape_set
the test field does not need to be taken into account, as the NiHu::singularity::face_match_type singulartiy implies that the test and trial element types are identical.

As shown above, the class specialisation defines a static public member function called eval that evaluates the singular integral into a result matrix received by reference as function argument.

Integrating the static part

First we define a helper function triangle_helper that computes the radii R_i and the angles \alpha_i and \theta_i for a triangle element.

void triangle_helper(
tria_1_elem const &elem,
double r[], // output radii
double theta[], // output angles
double alpha []) // output angles
auto const &C_old = elem.get_coords(); // element vertices in columns
auto const &x0 = elem.get_center(); // collocational point x0
typename tria_1_elem::coords_t R, C;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
R.col(i) = C_old.col(i) - x0; // vector from x0 to corner
r[i] = R.col(i).norm(); // distance
R.col(i) /= r[i]; // normalise vector
C.col(i) = C_old.col(i) - C_old.col((i+1) % 3); // side vector
C.col(i) /= C.col(i).norm(); // normalised
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
theta[i] = acos(R.col(i).dot(R.col((i+1) % 3))); // angle output
alpha[i] = acos(R.col(i).dot(C.col(i))); // angle output

Using this helper function, the static part of the integral is computed in the member eval as follows:

auto const &elem = trial_field.get_elem(); // the element reference
double r[3], theta[3], alpha[3];
triangle_helper(elem, r, theta, alpha); // compute R, theta, alpha
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) // evaluate analytical formula
result(0,0) += r[i] * sin(alpha[i]) * log(tan((alpha[i]+theta[i])/2.) / tan(alpha[i]/2.));
// integrate dynamic_part
// ... to be discussed later
result(0,0) /= (4.0 * M_PI);
return result; // only the input argument reference is returned

Integrating the dynamic part

For the numerical integration of the regular dynamic part, the class needs to store the quadrature points of a suitable regular quadrature. The following static member quadrature is suitable:

static gaussian_quadrature<tria_domain> const reg_quadrature(7) // 7-th order

Class NiHu::gaussian_quadrature<tria_domain> defines a Gaussian quadarture for a triangle domain. The constructor takes the integration order as parameter. The generated quadrature is able to integrate 7-th order polynomials on a triangle without error. The quadrature is implemented as a container of quadrature points, and provides an iterator that traverses the quadrature points. Using this quadrature, the dynamic part is integrated as

std::complex<double> I_dyn = 0.0;
auto const &x0 = elem.get_center(); // element center
double k = kernel.get_data().get_wave_number(); // wave number
// traverse quadrature points
for (auto it = reg_quadrature.begin(); it != reg_quadrature.end(); ++it)
double r = (elem.get_x(it->get_xi()) - x0).norm(); // distance from source
I_dyn += dynamic_integrand(r, k) * it->get_w(); // integration
// multiply by Jacobian
I_dyn *= elem.get_normal(tria_domain::xi_t()).norm();

where the function dynamic_integrand is implemented as

static std::complex<double> dynamic_integrand(double const &r, double const &k)
std::complex<double> const I(0.0, 1.0); // imaginary unit
return -I*k * exp(-I*k*r/2.) * sinc(k*r/2.);

The final specialisation can be found in file library/helmholtz_singular_integrals.hpp