file | assembly.hpp [code] |
| assemble WR matrices from field wr submatrices
file | asymptotic_types.hpp [code] |
| definition of different asymptotic function behaviour types
file | blind_singular_quadrature.hpp [code] |
file | blind_transform_selector.hpp [code] |
| select a blind transform method to a singularity type and a reference domain
file | complexity_estimator.hpp [code] |
| Estimate kernel complexity between two elements.
file | domain.hpp [code] |
| declaration of CRTP base class NiHu::domain_base
file | double_integral.hpp [code] |
| declaration of class double_integral and its specialisations
file | duffy_quadrature.hpp [code] |
| Duffy-type singular quadrature transformations.
file | element.hpp [code] |
| Declaration of element classes.
file | element_match.hpp [code] |
| determine element singularities
file | field.hpp [code] |
| implementation of fields and field views
file | field_type_acceleration_option.hpp [code] |
| definition of field type acceleration options
file | field_type_accelerator.hpp [code] |
| Acceleration of field types by storing shape functions for each quadrature point.
file | formalism.hpp [code] |
| return weak form formalism from the test and trial field types
file | function_space.hpp [code] |
| declaration of class function_space
file | gaussian_quadrature.hpp [code] |
| implementation of Gaussian quadratures
file | global_definitions.hpp [code] |
| global constants governing some accuracy parameters
file | integral_operator.hpp [code] |
| declaration of class NiHu::integral_operator
file | integral_transform.hpp [code] |
| declaration of integral_transform classes
file | inverse_mapping.hpp [code] |
file | kernel.hpp [code] |
| implementation of class kernel and its traits
file | match_types.hpp [code] |
file | mesh.hpp [code] |
| Declaration of class Mesh.
file | nearly_singular_integral.hpp [code] |
| Nearly singular integral general case.
file | quadrature.hpp [code] |
| implementation of class NiHu::quadrature_elem, NiHu::quadrature_base
file | result_matrix.hpp [code] |
| Encapsulates different result matrix types.
file | shapeset.hpp [code] |
| Definition of shape function sets.
file | single_integral.hpp [code] |
| declaration of class single_integral
file | singular_accelerator.hpp [code] |
| implementation of class NiHu::singular_accelerator
file | singular_galerkin_quadrature.hpp [code] |
| implementation of singular Galerkin quadratures
file | space.hpp [code] |
| declaration of class NiHu::space
file | weighted_residual.hpp [code] |
| declaration of class NiHu::weighted_residual